It is Carnival season here in Correlejo again. It runs from today 1st March until 11th. The main parade is tonight, it's supposed to leave from the Brisamar clinic on the main street at 8pm and wend its way along to the carnival ground behind the Fiesta Correlejo Gardens (sorry guys). That is where the action will take place, other than down by the harbour. Saturday is the crowning of the carnival Queen, Sunday the Carnival Princess, Tuesday the Drag Queen Gala, Thursday is music for tourists, Sunday 11th is the burning of the Sardine, another parade that will finish on the main town beach, where they burn a huge wooden sardine, followed by the best firework display ever. This years theme is fairy stories, so expect Disney and plenty of witches around.
Please go to the carnival ground and support these events, most things don't start until 9pm and on weekend don't finish until 6am, so be warned.