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2007-03-16 21:34:25

I run round like a headless ckicken, washing, ironing, packing, cleaning. I fall into bed really late at night and then don't sleep that well because I'm thinking of all the things I've forgotten or not done!!
Everytime I tell myself I'll be more organised and everytime I lie

Well I usually check everythings packed then tidy the house out for the burglars. This year I'll be having my legs and bits waxed, nails french manicured and I'm going for Hollywood lashes on the morning, then doing the aforementioned in the afternoon then a glass of wine to help me sleep. Then the day we go I'll recheck that everythings been packed ( paranoid I know) and recheck the taxi. It'll be a long day as the flight is at stupid o'clock
Stock freezer lots of easy meals, all housework and washing up to date. Write lists wht daughter has to do when I am away. After tea pack glass of vino collapse into bed and dream. Double chack lists then off to airport. As easy as that .ha ha !!
go to work as usual everything will be packed ,checked, and ready at least the weekend before
c**p my self cause i dont like flying

I go to work as I cannot bear the thought of using a days holiday just to prepare for my holiday , I do the packing the weekend which falls before we go.
I make sure i'm working all day or rather i'm at WORK all day as when i get home all the house cleaning has been done all the toiletries have been packed and all my clothes are ironed and all i have to do is go through the wardrobe and select what i want and drop it in the suitcase.
There speaks a true man Andy

its always best to stick to what you know best

It's a bit stressful really cos I then pack at a daft times as well This has been the normal bulid up for many holidays over the years.
I can't think of anything worse than getting the case out two weeks before and have it lying round the bedroom getting on my nerves, like yet another chore 'not done'.
One thing we do is online shopping from Tesco and book the delivery for the day of return. Always used to come home to an empty fridge, but never fancied shopping after a flight. Now we land, go home, and the food comes to us.
thats quite a good idea merc driver you dont me pinching it do you
brilliant idea mercdriver
Usually running around like an headless chicken making sure I've packed everything and trying not to get stressed up over the forthcoming flight.
Mercdriver, thats a great idea will pinch that for this year.
Get myself all worked up and stressed. I don't like flying at the best of times, but getting worse every flight.
have had some great stays - well apart from last year when we had the 'red alert' re terrorism the day we travelled to Manchester - it was rather tense!
To anyone who can and hasn' t yet tried a park and fly - give it a go ------ it really, really chills you before you go!

I have to work unfortunately. To be able to squeeze in 3 holidays a year I can't really take time off for non-essential days. My wife is a star though as she does nearly all the packing. I just have to remember the mp3 player, camera and the books I want to read.

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