Here is an example of the way I was treated one night: -
I went away with 4 of my male friends. Were all ranging from 22 upwards and not at all what you'd call louts.
Spent a nice evening in Tito's restaurant eating drinking and enjoying the entertainment. As the 10pm music/entertainment curfew drew closer I asked our waiter where we could go that was open with music till later. We were told that tito's had its own club open till late and should go there.
So off we went to be greeted by the bouncers at the door. He rudely put his hand on my chest as I went to go up the steps to the entrance. The conversation was as follows: -
Bouncer - Your not coming in!!!
Me - Whys that?
Bouncer - Because your single.
Me - What the hell has that got to do with anything?
Bouncer - Women and couples only.
Me - But that's sexist.
Bouncer - I don't care!
(At one point I asked him what would happen if my male friend and I were a couple and his response was that gays weren't aloud ether)!!
I then told him that we'd spend the night at the restaurant and that was no way to treat customers. He talked with his friend and said to come back at 11pm.
So off we went for 30mins and sat in the internet cafe over the road. On return the same bouncer (Plus about 4 more all looking rather aggressive were waiting for us). He said he didn't even recognise us and if we wanted to come in we'd have to pay 2000rs. I told him where he could stick it and never returned to tito's again.
I know it may sound like I was over aggressive but there were 4 men there all being aggressive towards me. I have a very strong sense of right and wrong and felt that this was ridiculous. The last thing he said to me was "If you want sex go to Mambo's" Is this the reputation that British lads have in India??? I didn't go there looking for sex! I went there looking to continue what was up until that point a very pleasant night.
I also feel the same about Cubana. Couples get in for 600rs, single girls 400rs (free and Wednesdays) and men 900rs. Luckily we met some lovely girls from London and Sweden so never really had a problem there. Something that also upset me was seeing them turn away Indian men completely???
This didn't spoil my holiday too much but let this be a warning to lads going over there, expect to pay more!
The rest of my holiday was amazing (the best two weeks of my life so far) and I shall post a proper report when I have time.
I want to assure you that I'm not some lout and manly go to Goa for the culture, food & beaches but being young we have to have a few nights out too