I'm back from my 2 weeks staying in Palm Beach.
Weather was a bit hit n miss, got soaked on paddys day, but who cares.
Had some fantastic nights out with all our gang.
I had a lovely birthday party in Mary Rogans bar. There was 20 of us.
had some lovely meals went for a romantic meal to mamma rosa's, had squid at La Cide in los C. And went up to Adeje to the chicken shack.
Met up with a few members of this board.
Met Lawson and his wife a few times.
Searched Barry Davis out and found him in the Soul Suite
asked a few fellas was they 'barry davis' until i was getting funny looks, so i just asked the bar maid about him, and she knew him. So i went back and found him.
Was in the miners retreat one sunday afternoon, with the girls and we were chatting, there was just us and this couple in. Well the fella turned to me and said 'are you wickedchris' i went deep red.
It was chico45 and his wife. I didn't realise i'd give so much information away. Chico and his wife came and visited us at my birthday party at mary rogans and again thank you for the vodka tonic.
Also met the owner of the Brum Bar whilst waiting to dine in El cide. But you wouldn't tell me your name on here. But you said that you read the board, so hi to you.
vvv lawson told me where your shop is and on our next to last day i asked the big guy outside, who wears white, was you in but he said No.
But i did try and get to see you.
I have some photos of the road works taken from palm beach i'll post them later when i have time.
going soon, VVV, where is your shop?
Glad you are back safe and sound.Seeing you was like meeting a movie star.I seen wicked chris.Tenerife is such a busy place I can see why people go there year after year.Everything is there for everyone any age.Safe those tesco vouchers for another trip.
Sorry I wasn't in the shop............I don't tend to be in there that much now as I have a lot of other things going on...............however, all staff and my other half, are aware that if anyone comes in and mentions "holidaytruths' they know they are to be treated with the best care and attention and also give discounts .......................lol
I want advance notice next time your over and we will certainly meet up!!!!!!
Andrew, we are next door to the Panorama and virtually opposite JArdin Tropical
Ps......Weather is gorgeous today
PPS, Next time your down Soul Suite, pop into the George and Dragon if its a Saturday or Monday night and give me a wave.
Seeing you was like meeting a movie star
Now you are having a laugh aren't you.
Weather is gorgeous today
Well it would be, whilst i'm back home.
Next time your down Soul Suite, pop into the George and Dragon if its a Saturday or Monday night and give me a wave
Are you in there on a saturday night . As i spent paddys night in the bulls head listening to shannon sing. If i'd known you were there i would have called in, that was the night i searched barry davies out.
Oh and i forgot to say that wilst we was in Blaydon Races one night, Ricky Hatton was in. Lawson and i both had our photos taken with him.
he was staying at the Tenerife Sol hotel
Welcome back, Chris. Really nice to meet you and your gang.
Thanks for that, i never knew someone would just ask me in a bar, was i wickedchris.
The girls had a ball of a time. Especially the 4 who were staying on there own.
it was nice to meet you and your wife.
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