Luci, according to the crocs website Aberdeen stockists are:
Queen Street - AB10 and McKays
Union Street - Office Holdings Ltd and Foot Factory

I usually wear a pair of flattish mules which are really comfy, but when I tried wearing my Fly Flots, which are also very comfy, I got a blister.


wow they are amazing, I have a thing called a heel spur on my right foot which can be incredibly painful, since wearing these for the last week, no pain

I picked my mum and husband up cheapie pairs from ingoldmells market today, just to see if they like them, 2 pairs for £12. mum likes hers so will pick her up the proper ones for her holiday in july. the jurys out with my husband

loving this thread.
hugs la x
Just ordered some from decorateyourfeet. One pair of Cayman's in Navy (was going to get red but thought I'd get more neutral colour and then invest in more if I decide I'm wearing these babies all the time, everywhere!) and one pair of Mary Jane's in funky gold. With 2 free charms per pair.
Just got a sage pair delivered today - from - only took 2 days to come (£29, postage free) and I never thought I would say it, but they are amazing! So light ands felt like I had nothing on my feet - was going to keep them for my hols in June to Ibiza, but had them on today!
There is supposed to be a gap of approx 0.25" between your foot and the shoe. This stops them rubbing and also helps to keep your feet fresh, warm and sweat-free by allowing the air to circulate. They do feel like they are floating on your foot and seem a bit strange at first.
If you try some on, pull the strap forward over the front of the shoe and slip the shoe on like a mule - if your foot hardly touches the side when you put weight on and you can't feel the front with your toes then they are the right size. Put the weight on your heel and you should be able to move your foot from side to side within the shoe. Very technical this!
Put them back on with the strap at the back and if your foot is pushed too far forward you can stretch the strap a little.
The sizing varies depending on where they were manufactured. I take a M7/W9 (Iloveholidays, I've got broad feet too) in a Cayman and have pairs made in Boulder Colorado, Romania, China and Mexico. The Boulder Crocs are bigger by about half a size compared to the ones made in China, and the Romanian and Mexican ones are in between. I can't get the Beach to fit as one size is too small, the other too big.
If you find that you can get a pair of Crocs that are the right width but a little too long you can get a Turbo strap. This is in place of the original strap and is much more robust - it has a velcro fastening so you can adjust the fit.
When we go on holiday, I wear a pair of matching colour socks under mine (I know, socks and sandals!) which keep my feet really warm until I get to my destination then the socks come off and my feet are cool.
I have problems with my ankles, knees and hips as I have hyper-extension on my joints and the Crocs are fantastic. I have no discomfort or pain when I wear Crocs all day, unlike wearing trainers. They also give really good cushioning on the heel so don't jar your back.
I should work for Crocs in Marketing!
ps. Don't forget the Jibbitz!

Regards, I loveholidays (christine)
Has anyone got any of the Prima Style, they dont look as bulky as the others. Dont think ive ever had a pair of comfortable shoes but im a bit worried about looking all feet with being a size 7. Thanks

Laudan - I've just ordered the Prima - awaiting confirmation of dispatch 'due to high demand' but will let you know what they are like when they arrive.
PS the Athens flip flops are comfy but have given me a blister near the bottom of my 2nd toe on my right foot

My daughter brought herself a pair of crocs beach in pink with her birthday money. Ive tried them on, they are so comfy. Just ordered myself a pair of the cayman in gold (would of had the pink but didnt want the same as my daughter, but we are the same size so i can borrow them!) Odered them from charles clinkard had trouble finding someone who had the gold in stock
I've never had any rubs or blisters from any of them. I've been wearing my original Crocs for around a year now and they still look as good
If you order them on the internet you should be able to return them for a refund if they don't fit. You can always email the company and ask them what country is stamped on the bottom!
I'm lucky living in Birmingham as there are at least half a dozen shops selling them so I can try them on. I've had a couple of pairs from Office website here a very good service from them. From ordering to delivery only took 2 days. Very pleased with them.
Hello thought i would let you know i received my crocs today from 
Just received my crocs from with 4 free jibbits.
What can I say but wow! They came in a silver bag thingy and light is not the word! There just is no weight to them at all.
Tried them on quickly in my office and they fit beautifully (size 5, the european size is 7 and I am someone who usually has to try on shoes and often have to take 5 1/2 or 6). Comfy? So far, flipping heck yes!
The gold is quite a light gold compared to how it looked in the picture but very nice.
Am I really so very sad that I'm sitting here getting all excited over a couple of pairs of plastic shoes? on March 30th and still have not received them.Phoned on Friday and they said I should have them by Monday or Tuesday,have tried to phone them today no joy
Oredered mine from 
Rubbersole site has most of them being down as out of stock so maybe jelly egg are having the same problems. I'm sure you'll get them soon.
I've ordered a load of Jibbitz from a seller in the States through ebay. They are about half the price of the one in the UK which obviously means I can order twice as many!
He's got loads of designs that I haven't been able to get over here and I've treated my new Crocs to a few Disney ones ready for September. The Crocs said they can't wait...

Got them from the Clinkard site given by oliday

ps the colour of the elephant matches my new crocs.........

Do they dance too??????????????

maybe they should be renamed "crocks"......

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