where in Malta did you stay ?
no real beaches ? - I guess you didn't make it to Gozo then - Ramla is one of the best beaches in the Med
i have all ways said each to his/her own.
by the way way i love malta but again hate tunisia.
I agree John. Nothing wrong with people hating Malta (although I suspect in many cases its because they didn't see the real Malta), and certainly many love it - whats silly about the expression is that implies there is no middle ground
Actually we hired a car for six days whilst we were there, and apart from gozo we explored every town in malta. And on returning home recivied a vey dubious parking ticket on the day of returning the hire car, and i know it definatly was not me who parked it there and suspect dodgy wardens or the hire company in cahoots, i did dispute it but got nowere. so we wont be going back there, for those who do.. enjoy ???
Thanks for taking the time to post your comments Mark. Sorry you and your family had a miserable time there. Did you not like the beach at Golden Sands or Ghajn Tuffeiha?
"and apart from gozo " thats where you went wrong
In reply to Markp, we went to Cyprus and would never go back. We usually go off the beaten track on holidays and found that some Cypriots out of the tourist areas openly 'hated' the British as they blamed us for the north/south divide. We were told that they would happily take our money but do not be expected to be liked!
i agree we hate tunisia too not sure about malta yet not going till sept and thats for a friends wedding think theres about 50 of us so far
pam xxxxxxxx
hi.....pammie.............i am very very sure you will enjoy your trip to malta.
Many years ago my mother-in-law won a holiday to Malta.I had always wanted to go as my husband was stationed there for 2 years when he was in the army.It was the week before Christmas and as none of the family wanted to go I went with her.The weather was amazing and we were taken out every day to all the places of interest which included Gozo.The hotel we were staying in was new,in fact they were still building it!.It was named the Charrella in St Pauls Bay and had the most horrible manager I have ever met.He told our tour guide we would all(a group of 20) be put out of the hotel if anyone complained about the state of the hotel!.The food was dreadfull but our guide took us all out every day at meal time.We were told it was owned by the same person as the Sea View hotel along the road.I liked the Island but have never wanted to go back until last December my husband said he would like to go back to see how its changed.The only problem is I love Turkey and I know I would compare the 2 while I was there.If I see a good deal I may be tempted.
I have never been to Malta but we are going for our first visit on 22 May and i am sooooo looking forward to it. I am sure i will fall in love with it!
get about the island and see the sights........do not forget to try the local buses........any help or advice you need please ask on this forum some one is sure to help.
regards and enjoy your holiday................john-doe.............
I went to Malta in 2005, personally it's not my kind of place. Building work was going on everywhere, it felt like being on one big limestone rock, very chalky. I found it to be rather expensive too. Gozo was really nice it's nothing like the mainland beautiful and green, peaceful and serene and ramlah bay beach was beautiful.
I did like Valetta and Gozo, there was stuff for kids and getting about on transport was cheap, but I couldn't stay there for more than 1 week, as a previous poster said, if I won a holiday to Malta I'd give it away for free without batting an eyelid.
Incidentally, I'm a big fan of Tunisia

Well if you do ever win a holiday to Malta roundasapound pass it this way
A up me duck, Sliemma2 don't you mean 2 Ls.
I do not agree with you about Malta. We have been to Malta over 20 times and love it. We have made many Maltese friends whom we visit every year. We went to Tunisia eight years ago and hated it, we'd never go again. What suits one person doesn't suit another!
Jean you are dead right in what you say, my comment was churlish and not required, I'm glad that roundasapound likes Tunisia we all need to have somewhere that we can flit off to and feel happy there.
There are definetely far worse places in the world to go but mainland Malta wasn't my cup of tea.
Also I'm not dyslexic, omitting one 'l' from the word Valletta doesn't warrant me being called a dyslexic or a dressing down over such a trivial matter. I think that's rather harsh and disrespectful. I thought this thread was about offering opinions not verbally abusing posters! Some people need to learn to respect others.
People should not take such offence. I respect the views of all those who do not like Tunisia or any other place that I've been and they didn't enjoy. Infact it's quite interesting to read why people dislike places and the experiences that have led to that rather than just hearing positive views all the time. The world would be a boring place if we all thought the same

Spent 2 weeks trying to work out if they were building or demolishing buildings, looking for the builder actually working and at the same time trying to avoid the large piles of dog poo all over the streets.
Admittedly it's several years ago and they might have cleaned up their act now but it made such an impression that if I won a holiday there I'd give it away.

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