Goa Discussion Forum

Discussions regarding holidays in Goa.
So many to choose from...don't know where to start. I think the funniest, best and worse all rolled into one was an acrobatic troupe at Sweet Chilli when it first opened. The compare had been plugging them all night and giving them a massive build up. Finally at the end of the night he came out again and gave all his speel about this top acrobatic act all the way from Kenya. Kept saying "Kenya Africa" as though we didn't know. Anyway after saying that about 50 times there was a 10 minute drum roll and these really big muscly African guys dressed in tribal gear came running out from behing the stage. Really dramatic with loud African drums. As they came running out, one of them, running at full speed ,tripped over the compares microphone lead and came hurtling across the stage area, smashed into our table, fell full frontal over the table and into my little girl's spaghetti bolognese ! He finished up on his face on the floor with the table and the spag bol on top of him. We laughed so much I couldn't recover. Needless to say the rest of the act passed in fits of laughter...couldn't stop looking at the spag bol down the guy's african tribal wear. :D :D
how i wish i had seen that one !! :lol:
:rofl Just picking myself off the floor :lol:
I have seen a few guitarists strumming their "stringless" instruments! I think the most amusing was the Neil Diamond impersonator (aka Nilesh Diamond) - some how he just cracked me up :lol: (I suppose I shouldn't mock as they DO try hard). The funniest performer is probably me when I have had a few B & C's then join in with the karaoke :lol: Thats what my OH says anyway :roll: :oops:
My personal favourite was the trio at East Meets West who performed an Abba Smedley
I know who you mean Fizzy2 it's a chap called Andrea he's been going years, he's even funnier when he's setting up and testing the mic, he starts can you hear my highs, can you hear my lows, that cracked me up first time I heard him, he really thinks he's a superstar, but Neil Diamond he'll never be.

Don't tell my OH that as he thinks he's great :lol:
Just remembered, we saw ND at the Highland Beach this year and wondered why all the guests were going out!

The Abba Smedley sounds good too - love it!

Another really amusing night we had was at the Big Banana BBQ when the owner (Francis) was singing, what he called, Goan rugby songs - it was hilarious. Can't say any more than that though :oops:
Another good one was Sanjay the magician. Saw him in calangute about 10 years ago. Hotel was really promoting this "magic" evening and asking all guests to stay at the hotel and "be amazed by the magic". Anyway - we stayed for the crack and out came this lad about 14 years old wearing a magiciNS hat and carrying one of those "my first magic sets". He went around all the tables individually to amaze everyone with his magic tricks. When he got to us it was the trick of the disappearing cigarette i.e. cig in hand one minute then disappears. Only thing was Sanjay hadn't really rehearsed it and he very indiscreetly shoved the cig into his back pocket while we were looking. We pretended to be amazed at his magical abilities but were having a right laugh at the same time. Funniest thing was all the Goan lads who worked at the hotel were scratching their heads trying to work out how he'd made the cig disappear......classic :D :hmmm
And now I really am on a roll. The memories are flooding back and I'm sitting here almost crying with laughter. I have another and I promise this will be my last. Went to the opening of a new bar somewhere in Baga about 6 years ago. Owner had gone to great expense and had done big promotion and gone to great expense with acts and firework finale. Had a good night and at the end we were all ushered outside to watch some dancers dancing and singing around some paper object. The big finale was a dancer who set fire to the paper thing (which we did not realise was full of fireworks). Paper thing fizzed very loudly and started to spin and fireworks shot off in all directions. Dancers did a runner while audience all stood clapping. Then a big firework shot off the spinning paper thing and landed in the very curly hair of a woman in front of us. She turned to us in panic with hair ablaze and my quick thinking hubbie did no more than pour his kingfisher over her head and the fire was out. My memory is of the woman coming back over to us at the end of the night with a very singed fringe and wet hair to thank my hubbie for the beer (so as not to cause offence I do know that the woman in question was OK cos we spoke to her later in the holiday....) :lol:
The Kareoke nights at Bom Succeso when you couldn't get the owners son (eric) off the mic - his ridiculous high voice.
What about that English lass who does the MCing at Ingoes Saturday night market - what is she on?
The good: The Music Company, who play at Cavala in Baga on Friday nights in the saeson, on Saturday nights in the monsoon. Great night out.
The bad: Karaoke can be bad, but bingo nights are worse!
The ugly: Yes, it's got to be that dreadful woman who "comperes" the entertainment at Ingo's saturday night market
Also remember being at a shack for a BBQ one year and they had entertainment on- fireworks and so on, plus a juggler who decided he would juggle fire- unfortunately he managed to set fire to his own hair :shock:
We watched a trio at Cinnabar one night and as the evening came to an end they asked for requests.
Two young Indian men in the (very) small audience asked for Pink Ffloyd's "Brick in the wall".
They were magic, I said to my wife "they sound just like Ffloyd, brilliant"
However as they reached the end of the song and moved into the guitar riff............ the guitarist stopped playing to talk to his mates .............. and the music continued.
The best genuine artist (?) I, have seen there is a Black guy who I have seen at the Stonehouse and also at another restaurant, maybe Spice Garden/ House in Candolim.
He really does take any requests from the audience and seems to be able to play anything from Hotel California to russian folk songs from memory.
real quality!
The best and one of the funniest acts we have seen in Goa was in 2002 a Fire Eater - only seen him the once and he was really good, had a funny voice. If you look in the photo upload at the moment I've submitted a picture of him - does anyone know where he can be seen?
Miccie if I ate fire I'd have a funny voice :rofl :rofl
You've got a valid point there! :yikes :rofl :rofl :rofl
:lol: :lol: Our funniest must have been the " life threatening" sword act we watched at mackies night time market! I dont like to critisise anyone trying to entertain but, OMG it was ridiculous. Gave us all a giggle as the brave warrior stuck out his hands minutes before the deadly blades disembowelled him! :roll: :lol:
My Dad bought one of those 'swallowing swords' at Mackies a couple of years ago - it still comes out at family gatherings, usually when drink is involved
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