Hi srhjnmgn, that's good to know! It's all very well looking up the weather forecast online, but it's always better to have some "real life" evidence. I think I can take some of my cardigans out the case now and add a few more bikinis, hehe!!
Right, I'm off to the airport soon, lets hope for sunny skys when I get there (and for the 7 days I'm staying, hehe!!)
Have a brill time. Only 3 months behind you (:roll:).... save some of the sun for me.
The weather was lovely. Nice and hot. Couple of overcast days, but still got nice and tanned. It tried to rain a few times, but it was such a light spit, you barely noticed it. Little bit windy on wednesday, so that may have been the start of the storms coming in.
Please guys, dont do what I did, and get depressed coz of how bad the weather is looking. Just wait till you get out there and take it from there!!!
Happy holidays everyone
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