Mark, you highlight a very valid point in getting rid of private security firms, this is obviously the way forward but it comes down to money as usual!
We have an airport operator in this country that employs security on good pay, terms & conditions and trains its staff properly and values it customers, its responsible for running the two busiest airports in this country , yet this government is happy for this company to be referred to the Competition Commission and Monopolies and Mergers because of the constant whingeing of BA (who stand accused of price-fixing) and Ryanair (who compromise safety on quick turnarounds) who complain about airport charges.
The key issue here is if you cut corners to save money you ultimately cannot achieve what is desired.
Its interesting to see that last time the airport under the microscope was Manchester, this time Birmingham , can it be a coincidence that local councils are involved with both?
Also , what exactly are the DfT doing!! if the standards at Birmingham are so poor surely they should have picked this up? No comment from them was there as it would implicate them in failing to do their job properly!
Digby, the people most upset from watching this programme are the good, hard-working and diligent security personnel, they get tarred with the same brush as these low-life second-rate pretend security.