Hi There,
I have suffered from PH for the last 3 years and it so unbearable and it totally ruins my holidays. I went to my doctor and have been given A small dosage of Prednisolone 10mg a day, and am hoping it works! i have read a few posts on here regarding Prednisolone and was just wondering it it really is a blessing?
I went to the doc's and ask him for this injection every body is taking about,, but he said I could not have it because I am diabetic

I have also suffered for years. I was so bad I was unable to sit out in the sun after about 3 days (1st 3 days I was ok - funnily enough) It made me really miserable and by god it hurt as well! And left me with white marks on my chest that just wouldn't tan. It didn't matter if I went on a sunbed first, I tried antihistamines, garlic tabs, vit B, everything, but nothing helped.....
Mentioned it to my new doctor and he recommended these low dose steroids and they were a MIRACLE!!
Now for the first time,I have just been to Turkey and I could sunbathe like everyone else and have got a lovely tan. I was SO happy...
Prickly heat rash can appear anywhere on the body, it doesn't necessarily have to be where the skin has or has not been exposed to the sun, it appears when the sweat ducts become blocked and sweat seeps into the surrounding tissues ( under the epidermis) and this causes an irritation which can appear as red lumps and bumps or minute water filled blisters.
We have between 2 and 4 million sweat glands all over the human body and the reason for prickly heat rash is the ducts being blocked by bacteria, dead skin cells and other lotions and potions.
We all carry an harmless bacteria on our skins, but some people naturally have more of this bacteria than others and these people are therefore more prone to prickly heat rash...as it stands to reason, the more bacteria you have, then the greater the chances of the sweat ducts becoming blocked.
Secondly, using deodorants (spel?) will make the problem worse because the vast majority of deodorants contain aluminum, which work by forming a "plug like" structure in the sweat duct and this stops you from sweating, then the sweat has to find another "escape route" and it usually means it seeps into the surrounding tissues and prickly heat rash.
Your main objective to prevent prickly heat rash is to have all your sweat ducts freely open and able to cope with the bodies natural mechanism of cooling you, EG: whether that is because you have become hot due to the sun or due to excercise indoors in a gym.
Sweat rash is sometimes called prickly heat rash, but it is not the same thing because sweat rash is the result of sweat being trapped between two folds of skin and not under the epidermis....typical sites are under the breasts, in the groin, between the cheeks of the buttocks and the waistband, especially in people who are over weight......it usually manifests itself by a flaming red area which can quickly become infected because fungi spores love dark, warm moist areas and the best treatment for sweat rash is to frequently gently wash the area, pat dry and separate the folds of skin with either a clean dressing or a clean handkerchief....if you apply an antiseptic cream, then a very thin smear is all that is needed, do not overload the area, it will make it worse, especially if the cream/ointment is oil based.
Photo sensitivity is a different ball game and has nothing to do with the sweat ducts being blocked, it's a reaction to the ultra violet rays and can occur for numerous reasons,EG: side effects of medication, perfumes, chemicals in sun care products and oestrogen levels including the contraceptive pill, HRT and pregnancy are just a few to mention...so really you should not try to diagnose yourself...the GP is the best person and prescribing powerful steroids may not be required if some simple measures are taken and that is all which is needed to "cure" the ailment....so when a GP refuses to prescribe a drug that has numerous side effects, including lowering your immune system, then I can appreciate the reasons behind the decision...sorry.
and I'm running out of money...so adios for now.

i am so pleased they worked for you :-) I have tried everything under the sun too... i am off to cyprus in 2 weeks and am praying they work for me to. Did you take them from the first day you arrived in Turkey, or did you wait until the PH started coming up? I too am fine for the first few days and then it comes up everywhere and it is unbearable. do you fine a specific suncream and aftersun good to use as well?
I used them the first day - just to be on the safe side! But stopped taking them the day before I came home. (didn't do much sunbathing on last day.!)
I always used to use piz buin allergy and I felt it maybe helped a little.... (It didn't)
This holiday I just used piz buin factor 15 and 4. - no probs.
I can't tell you how pleased I was, that these steroids worked. - One day when I had been out the sun a little longer than normal, I did feel a little itching and so took another tablet before I went to bed. Only needed to do that once.
Please don't worry, they will work for you.
Hope you have a fab holiday and you come back as brown as a berry.
and i would say to only take them if you have tried everything else, i also find showering when i get out the pool, to get the swimming water off me, helps ( ones at the side of the pool)
i use aloe vera gel suncream, as its mostly natural, and a simple moisturiser on my body, with no perfumes etc...
fingers crossed for july.......

I suffer with PH and i am due to go on holiday next monday!! really dont want to suffer with this this time round so i am prepaired with antihistamines tablets which im going to take soon as i step on that plane! However just incase i am going to take some camomile lotion - is this whats recomended? do you think this should be enough and the right lotion to take or do you recomend something else?
Thank you

Well these products are good I would recommend them to anybody who suffers from this awful skin condition, they arent a miracle, but they do help they let you go longer before the rash starts.
Now I have found this web site I cant believe there are so many people suffer from this and understand how I feel, I remenber when on holiday I would look round at other people to see if they suffered from prickly heat like I did, to see what they did and how they got on in the sun.
After seeing that people on here were recommending prednisolone (steriods) I decided to go along to the doctors and see what she said and if she would let me have some.
I explained that all the things that I have done to help the problem, she was really helpful, knew excatly what I was taking about when I mentioned the prednisolone. She gave me extra strength antihistaimines to help prevent it and also gave me the steriods as well as a back up. So I am really pleased and I 'm so glad I found this site and hopefully I will have a prickle free time on holiday this year, will let you all know .
Then I read an article about Predisolone in a magazine & although my Doctor wasn't entirely happy about prescribing them, I'd taken the article to the surgery with me & once he read it, he finally agreed.
That was about 8 years ago & since then I've had no problems whatsoever. I can now sit in the sun & totally enjoy my holiday without the worry of the dreaded prickly heat! I never start taking them until the symptoms start & usually only need them for the first few days.
Don't suffer unnecessarily...go & speak to your Doctor...everyone deserves to be able to go on holiday & enjoy themselves without the pain & discomfort PH causes.
Hope this helps...
i have been prescribed 10mg of Predisolone per day to hopefully stop the dreaded PH. I was just wondering if i should take them on the first day of my holiday or only when the PH starts? Also is it ok to take Antihistamines as well as Predisolone? has anyone had any unwanted side affects??
I start taking them as soon as I feel the prickles starting or if we've had a night flight, with breakfast on the first morning.
So it doesn't matter when i take them, if i did wait until the prickles start, how long will it take for it to clear up???
From memory, the tablets work quite quickly. I can always feel when the PH is about to start so for the first couple of days I carry them around with me. Once they are in my system, I just have one at breakfast time.
i fly at 3.00pm and arrive in Cyprus at around 9.30pm. What do you suggest to do? do you take antihistamines as well?
I have my fingers crossed that i have a PH free 2weeks!!!

If I was you, I'd take your first tablet the following morning at breakfast. That way you'll be PH free all holiday. I've never had to take antihistamines so can't really comment. Why do you take them, are they for hayfever?
I went on holiday in April was prescribed them for PH and this time my doctor has given me stronger ones as they did nothing!!!! as well as Predisolone. What dosage of Predisolone do you take?? Have you taken it for years?? any side affects? Sorry to ask so many questions.
I've tried all sorts of antihistamines over the years but none have ever shifted it. I was even under the skin specialist at my local hospital but nothing they did helped either.
I take 5 mg Predisolone tablets & from the first time I took them, I've had lovely, pain free holidays & now wouldn't go abroad without them.
I usually only need to take them for the first few days until my skin has acclimatized.
Forgot to say, I've taken them for about 9 years & never had any side effects. I am aware they lower your immune system & that's another reason I don't start them until after the flight.

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