I have started doing DIY holidays over last couple of years and have been perfectly happy with the results. I am in process of planning our next holiday and will use Thomsonfly for flights and Travel Republic for hotels.
Now my only problem is regarding if we had any kind of emergency whilst on holiday, where would I turn for help? Has anyone any experience in this.
I should add that we are Seniors (although we are both healthy)and we did have the unfortunate experience of my husband spending 4 days in a Palma hospital on one Package holiday.
Any thoughts on this please?
Another time when DIY to Prague with friends, and were subject to a mugging we just went straight to the police, they directed the person concerned to the relevant places to get a new passport (well letter of permission to travel without one).
I know it's depressing to have to think about it, but perhaps a few discreet enquiries as soon as you arrive as to where hospitals, police etc are located and perhaps an emergency taxi number to keep in your room might not go amiss. Then you can forget about it and enjoy yourselves. I'm sure you have good travel insurance and take a few Credit Cards, just incase you need to pay for stuff that can be claimed back. Also if its EU you can take whatever has replaced the E111,
Hi Sue .. there are several sticky topics in our General Holiday Enquiries forum which may interest you, on the subjects of Travel Insurance, EHIC (which replaced the E111), Health Information for Travellers, Foreign Office Advice for Travellers, etc.
before you go. There is a mass of information available from the Foreign Office at http://www.fco.gov.uk then click "Travel Advice"
Also, does your insurance include an "Assistance" line? If so you've probably got as much help as you would from a rep - and judging from posts elsewhere even booking a package doesn't guarantee getting one of those anyway.
It may also be an idea to find out the phone number of the nearest British consulate Also, does your insurance include an "Assistance" line? If so you've probably got as much help as you would from a rep - and judging from posts elsewhere even booking a package doesn't guarantee getting one of those anyway.
If you are renting privately I would suggest you ask the owners if they supply information on what to do in an emergency.

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