I jet off for Zante in 4 weeks and was wondering what is required to rent out a quad bike there?
Can i use my provisional licence for one or do i need a full driving licence?
And to anyone who might know whats the average rate for a days rent now?
I think you will find it impossible to hire anything on a provisional licence.
You would also need to check your travel insurance to ensure you are covered should you have an accident, even if it wasn't your fault. Most policies don't cover hazardous activities.
1] you will need a full photo licence [and the paper counterpart]
2] hazardous activity added to your insurance
3] a good mechanical knowledge to check them out .. i have seen many which would fail a basic safety check
My daughter went out to crete in may and hired a quad bike on her provisional driving license. she paid 35 euros a day and 5-7euros for insurance a day, they did provide helmets, and the police where very hot on them using the helmets.
It wasnt until she returned she told us, i have to say i was horrified and i do agree with was has been said.
I've had a good read of many pages around the web and i keep seeing the phrase "Scooter License" on many of the hire companies information web pages. I take this to mean provisional entitlement on GB and other European licenses.
It also appears that you have to be 18 to sign a rental agreement in Greece and most rental companies are adding that the rider should have held a license for one year.
The following underlined information on scooter quad hire and license requirement for 50cc may be wrong and will be updated / corrected upon further information becoming available.
Please follow the thread and read on for further information.
So at 18 and on a provisional license held for one year you can hire a 50cc scooter or 50cc quad bike minimum requirements. Full car driving license holders can hire 50cc scooters or quads.
Anything bigger than 50cc requires a full motorbike license and again held for one year to meet the minimum requirements of the rental companies.
Check your insurance and hire agreement excess because you could lose all your FUN money if the bike gets nicked or damaged this can also happen if you lose a key, puncture a tyre sidewall damage is often regarded as careless driving and you will be hit with recovery costs as well as repair.. !!
When you get to your resort and actually hire a bike or quad you may well be offered larger bikes and quads but, if you do hire anything you are not licensed to drive or ride you will most likely not be covered by any insurance. This will also affect your travel insurance should you have an accident and need medical or legal assistance.
Passports, Driving License and hire documents should be carried when riding and produced when requested by police and crash helmets worn at all times when riding. Fines for speeding and other motoring offences are often on the spot so have a bit of cash handy..
The drink drive limits are lower in Greece than in the UK.
Greece = 0.5 per mg
UK = 0.8 per mg
Overall it'll be cheaper and safer to hire a Taxi, take a bus, walk around.. .. or book some of the great excursions available..
Try the Zakfari... ... http://www.eurosky.gr/tours/zakfari.php it's fairly expensive but, a great day out all over the island. Have a great laugh with the crew and meet other trippers.
Hire a motorboat from the beach at Laganas and spend a day in the bay or go out to Marithonissi island.
Book a try dive and go scuba... same again several places along Laganas beach.
Loads of trippers do hire quads and scooters and have no problems, i guess it's just luck and riding safe.
Edited by
2008-06-24 21:37:43
We hired quad bikes in Greece last year. We made sure we were given the newer bikes available and were given a full demonstration before hiring it. We wore our helmets at all times and felt safe even on the busier main roads. We knew the risks and were aware of the number of accidents people have but never felt in any sort of danger and wouldn't hesitate to hire them again. However, we did see a group of young lads messing about on them and to me they were only asking for trouble. Maybe this is why the accident rate is so high??
The hire company we used actually told us it was law, when hiring any motorised vehicle, to carry your driving licence at all times. Think they actually told people this to ensure it was done.
My post is not to suggest everybody should hire quad bikes I'm just putting forward the view that if you are sensible and belive yourself to be a safe, responsible driver they are a good alternative to the bus, taxi etc.

It seems my information maybe wrong

When i was searching for definitive answers to the hire and license requirements i kept coming across the phrase "Scooter License" .. .. ..
Well it appears that in Greece a Full license is required to even ride a 50cc scooter or quad if the information on the link below is correct.
It looks like in Greece they must have something similar to out UK CBT test as they do not have the P category as we do to cover learners. If that information is correct i guess Greece issues full licenses for a basic test while we have a 2 year CBT restriction.
UK vehicle category descriptions
Maybe our own .Gov web site needs to be updated to cover holidaymakers travelling abroad and to include some clearer and better information.
http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Motoring/DriverLicensing/DG_10023103 << not much help there.. ..
While searching for answers i also came across a news link about a young lad who died in a quad accident only ten days ago on Rhodes.. Wearing a crash helmet and out on a jolly with a couple of mates.
Again a terrible to loss of one young life with a big future ahead in a holiday accident.
Edited by
2008-06-24 21:39:39
We've opened a real can of worms here! Having now done a bit of research myself it appears you DO need a full licence even to hire a scooter or quad in Greece yet theres evidence of someone being allowed to hire a quad with just a provisional licence. Worrying to say the least if our research is correct. With all the confusion I think its best to say only bother if you've got a full licence!
Just read the article about the young lad who died. Makes me question if its really worth it, but then again I felt that safe last time I'm sure I probably still will next time I'm over in Greece. Maybe naive but I can only tell as I see.
In answer to the original poster about cost try and haggle the price down. Last year we paid 35 euros for a days hire which included a full tank of petrol (which could be returned next to empty) and insurance. Second days hire later in the week we got for 28 euros cos we were repeat customers. Many places offered good deals for having the bike for the whole week.
The noise these quads make is another thing, they sound like they,re doing 20,000 revs and only do about 40kph!
Please don,t think I,m a killjoy, I ride a motorbike on a daily basis and I would,nt even touch one over here.
Go on holiday and relax, lie on a sunbed drinking ice cold beer, watch the world go by, enjoy it, thats what you,ve saved up all year for.
I'm just back from my 2nd trip to Zante and I cannot stress enough how dangerous it is to hire a quad bike or a moped!
First of all, the hire agents don't care as long as they get their money, you will be able to hire one from most places on a provisional licence, I did but you won't be covered by your insurance.
I hired one 2 years ago when I went and although I drive safely and well I still had a n accident, it doesn't have to be you that causes it.
The roads aren't the best in Zante and the other road users have ZERO consideration for you, I was driven off the road and into a tree, breaking my wrist and damaging my girlfriends hips and I still have a scar on my shin, the bad thing is that if that tree hadn't been there to hit I would have been in a river because that is all that was behind it.
I can tell you about 5 more horror stories involving hire bike and quads as well, just PM me!
Don't let it put you off of Zante though, the taxi drivers are mental and drive dangerously and it is true that over there, if you have enough money or your father is well known, you can BUY your full driving licence, do yourself a favour and stay off the roads.
If you do decide to hire something though, be sure to wear your helmet as you can be fined up to 300 euros for not wearing one if you are stopped and even more if you don't have a full licence. And be warned, they DO stop you.
I wouldnt reccomend it tbh, but I will be hiring 1 for the day in August to get to St Nick beach.
when you say by law a full licence is needed to hire a quad- does that mean a full car licence or a motorbike licence. Also is it against the law to ride pillion on a quad or are 2 allowed? Thanks
2. They ARE dangerous especially when cornering.
3. Think - is it worth risking your life (in my mind this is what you are doing when you get on one of these) in a foreign country, just for a bit of fun?
That's probably what that poor boy did, and he did pay with his life.
I'm not a killjoy, I like to have fun too, but lets be sensible about it - quadbikes are dangerous, they are definitely not maintained over in Greece as well as they should be, they are loud, intrusive, and a danger to others. And as for the Greek drivers, well.........shall we say they are not renowned for their patience!
The choice is yours of course, but if I was you, I'd leave well alone mate.
My 18 year old nephew has just returned from Malia where he was able to rent a quad bike with no licence at all. He does hold a full licence but did not take it away with him.
for safetys sake i want to warn people to stay away from this hire shop as they clearly hired me a dangerous vehicle but i dont know where to go or who to tell ..... any advice welcome !!
as for the question - requirements for a quad - - a frontal labotomy would be a start ! i will never hire a vehicle in greese again, there's just no way to be sure it's roadworthy.
And certainly inexperienced riders ought to stay clear (and of bikes too). It's ludicrous to go abroad on unfamiliar roads, with unfamiliar rules and do something you've little knowledge of. It was only my partners experience that saved us from serious injury as far as I'm concerned. And I'd certainly take the offer of a helmet if you choose to hire a quad or a bike (legal requirement in any case).

Greece has a fairly good Ministry of tourism web site and this page might be of help
if you want to make a complaint.
Third paragraph down there is an email address for complaints.
At the time of the accident you would probably have had better outcome if
you contacted the local tourist police on Thassos.
Greek Tourist police stations.
Top Tip...

If you had a good hotelier they can sometimes be very helpful as a few years ago when i hired a jeep for 7 days i paid for 7 days but, didn't notice the receptionist at the hire company had put the wrong return date on the hire forms. When i returned the jeep they wanted another €90 for two days extra hire. I started to argue but, could see i was getting nowhere so i called the apartments and the manager came out and put things right. He was a bit embarrassed and really apologetic as he'd recommended the car hire in the first place so he new how many days and what i'd paid for because he called them for a price before i hired it.
Paul.. ..
rented a scooter in cyprus and needed a full driving lisence, just the card was fine though, no counter part needed and only cost 20cypriot dollers(maybe more now its euros). I agree that scooters can be dangerous but if you have experience on a bike, are sensible and make sure to wear your helmet you should be safe enough.
My wife and I hired a quad (150cc) last year in Hanioti needing a full licence, loved every minute of it, rode up into the hills and gave my wife a go fo a couple of miles ( I know I shouldn't have but my missus can be very persuasive

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