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2005-01-20 18:22:12
http://www.goacom.com/news/getStory.php?ID=1415 this is the link
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Many thanks
David HT Mod
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Many thanks
David HT Mod

I have been reading however there seems to be an enquiry into how the uk company 'won' the salvage rights,so work may come to an alt !!!
Will be keeping an eye on this as we are going in 8 weeks and our shack will be affected.
just keep an eye on http://www.navhindtimes.com/mainpage.php for a lot of news from goa inc river princess
You can hear banging in the distance but nothing major.
In terms of the shacks being pulled down Rams Shack was told to move two weeks ago but is still there as is Deva's and up to Ganesh's.
Hope this helps x

Hi candolimlover,thanks for that update....hope you had a good time and the work didnt spoil your holiday.......its only 45 days to our 7th visit

Im like a giddy teenager again.
Has anyone recently returned with an update on the river princess ?
There are men inside the ship cutting out all the metal, they are paid 400rps per 8 hr shift

Once the ship is lighter a tug will take it out to sea.
but I reckon it wont be gone till next season.
Anybody got an update?
My mate on the beach has told me that it will be gone by end of March (got his info off the indians working on board)
I am now going down willie hills to put my bet on this will not happen !!

Just wondered if anyone who had recently returned had any new information regarding the removal of the River Princess.
Are they still working on it?

I've tried to keep up to date with the Nivhinda Times web site but there doesn't seem to be much about it lately, just that they have arrested some people for having stuff that had apparently been taken from the ship prior to it being salvaged.

Hi the latest info on the removal is the newspaper report mentioned. However I,ve been visiting Goa at least twice a year since it grounded and apart from the moveable stuff like lifeboats, stores etc nothing such as propellors , engines etc. have been taken, there has been a couple of holes cut near the waterline, i suspect by interests that wanted the ship scrapped where it sits, but they have been sealed off. I dont know what political game the minister is playing but anyone with a knowledge in shipping would know that removing the main engine secretly is laughable, however I will be surprised if they can get the ship off sucsessfully after all this time as the company who have the salvage contract is not one of the main companies who specialise in this field
I posted on another thread about this while I was there.
for the past five years, is to be removed by May 20, says
a headline in the Herald. Goa's newspapers and TV channels
seem to have got strongly divided over which side they take
on this story. Said the Herald: "Certain sections of the media,
who had no knowledge of ship salvage, began a series of
articles alleging a fraud (in the salvaging saga)." A contrary
view was taken by the Gomantak Times, as reported earlier.
Hi,can anyone let me know about the progress of the removal.......we came home on April 1st....the ship should,acording to the contract have been moved by that date.....but whilst on Candolim beach,we did not see much work been done...the large hole which was in the front of the ship was still there....i bet it is still there when we go at xmas.!!!!!
Think you're right. I reckon they'll shift the hole first and then give the rest of it a bit of time to think about!

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