However, from what you have said, it's not clear if your booking has been processed as simply a request/preference for wet room facilities, rather than a booking for designated disabled rooms with essential wet room facilities. It does appear that although you had booked and paid in full, the room type was unconfirmed and treated only as a request.
Do you know if these rooms are designated disabled bedrooms with wet room facilities, or just standard bedrooms with wet rooms which can be booked by both able bodied and disabled guests ?
Have you booked this as a package holiday, or flight and accommodation separately ?

Thank you for your reply and I am impressed at the speed with which you answered me. In truth I have to say that I don't know the answer to your question. I was told by the travel company that rooms with roll in showers were available for disabled travellers, so assumed that they solely for disabled people, now I see where you are coming from. What I can tell you is that the rooms have extra wide doors for wheelchairs, with access onto the balcony. This is the fifth time I have travelled to Benidorm with my husband and have always booked in the same way ie. can request but cannot guarantee, so perhaps you have hit the nail on the head.However, the question is, I wonder if there are any hotels there which can offer this facility as a definite booking, would you know. I have previously stayed at the Melia Benidorm but unfortunately the rooms are too small as I have to hire a hoist and a shower chair and there is not enough to maneouvre the wheelchair about as well. The other hotels are too far away from the centre or the beach. I booked the holiday as a package, but have arranged my own transfers.
Thanks, Christine
It does sound like the rooms were only on request. Who did you book the holiday through? Can they help you find an alternative?
What I would suggest is that you write to with details of your predicament and requirements, and ask them to email you a list of hotels with suitably adapted bedrooms. Perhaps you can then work with your travel company to resolve the matter.
We do have a previous topic in our Costa Blanca forum, but it may be a little old now to provide any real help:
However, I personally have never encountered a situation where bookings for disabled rooms are treated on a request basis. But if disabled rooms with walk/roll in shower are full at the time of booking, and a non-disabled room with shower cubicle may be acceptable instead, I have had that treated as a request on several occasions.

I know all the hotels in Benidorm that have roll-in shower rooms and none of them are suitable. either because the rooms are too small to accommodate all our equipment, or the lifts are too small to take the wheelchair (which is a special chair) or they are too far away. As you say, I probably all the hotels only offer rooms that can accommodate either abled body or disabled and I guess this is where the problem lies. I know there is one resort, nearer Finnistrat, that caters solely for disabled people. This is not suitable as I have friends in Benidorm that I meet up with daily and I like to take my husband out in his chair every day for 3/4 hours, which is something I cannot do during the winter in England. So I am not actually making a complaint, more wanting to bring it to someone's attention and hopefully I then may be able to instigate a change in how the rooms are booked. Do you know who I can go to when I am there or is there a website I can go to.
I just wanted to add that Enable Holidays are specialists in holidays for people with disabilities. Might be worth a look!
So I am not actually making a complaint, more wanting to bring it to someone's attention and hopefully I then may be able to instigate a change in how the rooms are booked. Do you know who I can go to when I am there or is there a website I can go to.
COMUNITAT VALENCIANA is the official tourism authority for the region, and HOSBEC is the Benidorm hoteliers association. But that obviously doesn't resolve your immediate problem, which may or may not perhaps be related to how your travel company processes such bookings, rather than how individual hotels handle them.
In the hope of increasing attention and input, your topic here in the Complaints forum can also now be accessed directly from our Costa Blanca and Disabled Person Holiday Discussion forums.

Dear David,

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