I've spoken to Sanji tonight. After two weeks in the hospital having been told NO wifi...she discovered she could get 30minutes in 24 hrs downstairs in Costa Coffee

- but obviously by time she gets logged on etc it only gives her about 20minutes to play catch up and get her emails.
She was very humbled by all the posts on here....but had to

when I read her out Rennie's
I'd noticed a lack of posts!
Get well soon Sangi!
( she's probably videoing the hospital food to do a review!

She's very tired, fed up and depressed - 4 admissions last night and lights were still on at 1 this morning!
Drs. pleased that she's not 'backing up' into small intestine and she asked me to pass this on:
'HT'ers probably thought I was full of poo - well I am...three weeks worth!!!'

so, no..she hasn't lost her sense of humour!
They are putting her on long term steroids - hoping to stabilise her and send her home...THEN when inflammation has gone down they'll get her back in and it'll be camera jobbie (you never know..Sanji might get them to take a video of it to put on here! LOL )
I'll be speaking to her tomorrow so either me or Glynis will update you then. xxxx