as said it depends on what you consider too steep a hill.
Levante beach appts are maybe 300/400m up a hill from the beach.
you have to stop to cross roads anyway.
we are in our late 40's early 50's,
we stayed at levante lux which are quite a bit farther up the same road.
we went backwards and forwards 3 or 4 times a day without a problem.
you can always stop for a drink on the way
plenty of bars and restaurants around, slightly downhill to the three vincent's pubs or slightly uphill and take a left into calle londres, for drop inn, yorkshire pride2, stretford end etc.
then choice of everywhere on the beach, calle mediteraneo(sp), or calle gerona about another 10/15 mins walk.
I prefer to stay in the area you're asking about but am sure others will differ