Hi nicenic,
I'm a size 5 too...... I think it says to order in whatever size you normallly get trainer sizes in. I got my size 5's fromt the childrens section - same as the adult styles but cheaper! The ones I got have a toggle at the back to make it looser or tighter which might be good for you. Also got some of the flip flops from the womens sections in size 5 and they fit fine.
Yes like you two I am a size 5 in (in trainers and normal shoes) so thats what I ordered. They fit no problem.
i won't tell my boyf i'm buying from the kiddies section - he already thinks my feet are abnormally small & enjoys having a good laugh at them!!!!

Can you buy aqua shoes in sharm - Ive left it too late to get them by mail order as we go at the weekend. Completely forgot all about them (got everything else)? Tania
In the worst case with all the diving outlets in Sharm I'd be surprised if you couldn't get them in Naama Bay somewhere.
Aqua shoes are freely available in sharm. We were able to buy them in the hotel next door to us for £4/£5 depending on size.
If you are anywhere near the Baron hotel you'll find them in the supermarket very cheap
Thanks for the replies I'll get some when we get there I think. Tania
Sorry if it's a daft question, but are the aqua shoes suitable for, say, quad biking, or do you need trainers??

A quick question...I didn't want to have to pack my own beach towel, my snorkelling stuff is already weighing down my case! Is it necessary to take a beach towel for using on trips out (e.g. boat excursions) or is it possible to borrow the hotel beach towels and use them when out and about?

You normally get beach towels for your stay which you swap with the pool guy when they need changing so no need to take one.
But if it's just for trips and excursions then you can't go far wrong with something like this: http://www.ifsogo.com/acatalog/travel_pillow.html they are really really absorbent.....better than a big towel in my opinion.
Have fun!
If I carry on buying from them the rate I am doing I'll be asking them for shares in the company

Cheers - Claire x
Thanks Briar, but will the aqua shoes be suitable?? You know what it's like, suitcase full of strappy sandals, will buy aqua shoes when in Sharm for snorkelling, but do I really need trainers as well!??
We looked into doing quadbiking and the it said to wear suitable closed toe footwear...didn't specifically say trainers.
Cheers Lisa MJ. Have some other bits and pieces to get from ifsogo (aquapack for camera etc) so will check out the shoes. Can guarantee that if I try and travel light will still end up with suitcase the size of a small country! Good job my partner (bless) doesn't pack much and the airport weigh both cases together!!!!!

Thats a shame pippy :-( I love mine.....pics from our aquapack are in the "which underwater camera". Although one thing I will say is that I don't look at the screen; I just point and shoot non stop and delete any duff ones when I get back to the room

i've looked at yours now lisamj and they do seem fine. i think i'll get the aquapack thingie and try it before i go to sharm. i really don't want to be disappointed on my next trip to sharm! medot.xx
Just been looking through your excellent holiday photos! I love the ones of the sunrise - they're beautiful

Thanks - Claire

I've looked through them 100's of times on my pc, can't get enough!
We were up by 6 to watch the sunrise, a truly magical experience. One morning we got up even earlier to give us time to walk to the end of the Conrad jetty to watch it.
It was the only time of day we could clearly see the mountains of Saudi Arabia, the sun rose from behind the mountains, later in the day the skjy was too bright to see them.
Try it, I recommend it

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