I hav heard that in turkey you can buy alot of fake gear
As turkey is a big country
Can anybody recomend what town/area is the best for this
you wont have to go and find the goods.
its going to be dificult to avoid them where ever you are in turkey. enjoy!!
personally i prefer to buy from shops rather than markets - although a little dearer ie: on 3 t-shirt for £10 rather than 5

a friend of ours one year thought he had a absolute bargain with i think about 10 pairs of Calvin Klein boxers for about £5 - but most of them had one leg longer than the other

Can anybody recomend any markets then
But if in the Olu Deniz, Sarigerme area go to Fethiye Market.
Lots of choice and good bargains to be had

He (the shop keeper) knew straight away from looking at me what style and size would suit me, tried on two pairs and bought them. The have washed fine and still look good 6 months later.
They even take them up for you while you wait!
what day is the market in fethiye on? what time of day is the best time to go? thanks michelle
We are not seasoned travellers and this only being our second ever ourseas holiday (the other being to majorca) i wondered about what we should take with us in the realm of clothes.
Last year we kitted ourselves out fully with new clobber before going overseas and it was a great experiance being on holiday, in the sun, and with that new good feeling you get from new clothes.
We plan on doing the same for this trip but i'm hearing the clothes are incredibly cheap out in turkey and wondered whether it would be wise to take a smaller compliment of clothes and purchase our needs out there.
My wife is very large and is in a size 30 so i'm wondering if she will have difficulties getting anything for herself out there ?
Generally me and my son spend around £5 to £10 on a new t-shirt and the same for shorts, trousers etc. We would buy around 7 or 8 sets of clothes each.
My daughters stuff averages nearer the £10 an item and my wifes anywhere from £20 to £40 (we don't go in for designer stuff). Would it be wise to just take a few items and get our needs over there ?
How cheap and how available are clothes in marmaris ?
Any advice from the seasoned pro's would really be helpfull.
I am pleased you have decided to try Turkey after all. We will be in Icmeler again in June - our 8th visit (5 times Icmeler)
I am not small either and normally buy most of the clothes before going out there. In Icmeler there was a large ladies shop but not sure about Marmaris. As for the tee shirts for men and younger members there is a large choice. Clothes have got dearer since we first went when we could buy 5 Ben Sherman shirts for £10 !! My husband is still wearing them.
I am sure you have made the right decision to go, have a lovely time - do try and get to see Icmeler though!
Out and about, when you and your family are walking around, you will find people outside Restaurants touting for business, it will seem daunting to you but the simple thing to do is to say hello to them, shake them by the hand and politely say,"we aren't ready to eat yet, maybe another day OR we have already eaten". Give them just two minutes of your time, they really appreciate it and love to practice their English speaking skills on you. Turkish people have very long memories and only remember people who have shown them kindness. It is said, that to make a friend of a Turk, is to make a friend for life !! Remember, Turkish people are really friendly and helpful, it is all about your attitude towards them.
Excursions, again, Chelsea Boy may well be able to give you a few pointers in this respect. Local Tour Operators do the Trips cheaper than your Rep will be able to, shop around. On this Forum, state what you and your Family are interested in doing and you will get lots of recommendations from the members. Going back to Restaurants, again, people on here will give you recommendations if you ask. Make a note of them, try them and assuming you get to go to Marmaris, make sure you do a Holiday Report on your return. By the way, we ARE, going to Turkey in May but to Kalkan, down on the South Coast then we return to Turkey in September, this time we will be in Kusadasi. Wishing you all the best and sincerely hope you get to Marmaris, you won't be disappointed !!!!

I have to admit im not too keen on the bartering thing as its obvously alien to us but i'm sure i'll get the hang of it.
Now im not sure whether to buy my clothes here or there

Back to the bartering do they ever take offence if you offer them less ?
Also is it better to barter with English or Turkish currency ? So they accept english over there ?
If as you say this holiday is more than you have ever spent ever then why scrimp.
Make this holiday a holiday to remember.
Buy your wife and children the best clothes that you can afford to in the UK as this will be the start to your holiday.
Take as much money as you can AFFORD to to Marmais and spend it all on a good holiday and look for yourself and barter in every shop except a shop that sells just essentials like smokes and drinks.
The most important bit of advice that you have yet to be advised of is read this forum from page 1 to the last and then you will have a vast amount of knowledge already digested when you arrive in Turkey.
Shopping is not the be all and end all, to be honest some of clothes last year were not that cheap (for fakes) and clothing is not as expensive in the UK

ooo i forget to mention take a lot of tenners its easier
there are some bargains to be had but i would not rely on getting all you need there. My daughters had a field day (T shirts , shoes etc) but less so for me. British money is very welcolme but only in note form and they have to be in pretty good condition.
i agree lally .its ok for a ebayer i suppose
one thing i don't much like the sound of from what i'm reading is that its going to be very hard to browse (and this is what we do best).
So crisp £10 notes. Thats a handy tip. We aim to take around £1000 in total for 2 weeks but would like to do the jeep safari and that mud place (sorry you can tell we have never been :).
I don't know how much there will be in the budget for buying clothes etc as we are self catering and we are not sure on the costs of things like meals etc. Although i am starting to get a better picture througn reading thesen forums ...

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