hiya cruisecontroller and all
I'm also one of those people who are planning about 3 holidays ahead (I must get a hobby

On the Tour Operators forum there is a thread where some were counting down to the release of the Summer 2007 brochures. It's 4 pages long with about 60 posts.
This is the really embarssing bit though.

I was even invited to a launch party at a local travel choice the night before the First Choice brochures were released. I managed to stop myself from going though. (despite the free wine) Phew!
On a more serious note, I know most people on here DIY or book on the net, but I agree with Kazee generally the prices increase as the brochures are reprinted. So unless you can hold off till about 4 weeks before you wish to travel, you probably (not always) get a better deal.