Hi Sliema2,
Looks like Dave has given us the answer to the smoking in hotel rooms question, so we'll have to make sure we request non smoking rooms for all future reservations!
Simply the answer is no due to the fact that the law states that a persons is not allowed to smoke in areas accesible by the general public and a hotel does not constitute this. On the other hand, hotels are obliged to allocate a minimum of 30% of all of their rooms as dedicated NON- Smoking rooms.
Hope this helps
Trevor - The Maltese One
"Well Drummer,
I'm sure at your age you know that smoking will shorten your life and you're likely to eventually suffer some really horrible illness that will do this.

Where did you get my picture from?
I look a lot younger now since my best friend, a mortitian, started doing my make up.

I think the horrible nasty things have already happened & shortened my height instead of just my life

I would ask the Qawra if they do None Smoking room for you but by the time I go, you'll have an answer on this brill site.

Looking at your photo I don't think I'll be employing your mortician to work on my make up!
No Trev, you should try him.
We want this, and we want that. It's always about what YOU want. Freedom to breathe this and smell that and taste the other.
Well I'll tell you what, stop driving your smelly polluting cars, and flying on even smellier polluting planes, and then you can tell me about the harm that smoking does.
We know it's bad for us, and yes, secondary smoke is (probably) bad for you. And I agree that it's the height of bad manners to smoke in a restaurant, or blow your smoke on people in pubs. But top bleating about it for gods sake. Vote with your feet. If a place allows smoking, don't go there!
Oh yes, I know what your answer will be, after all, it's in the non smokers guide to answering the smokers. You'll say, 'Why should we avoid these pladces?'
Fine, don't avoid places that allow smoking, just don't go there and whinge about it!
BTW. If it takes the last 10 years of my life, well you can have them. Where's the fun in being 90 and dribbling into your liquidised food in a old folks home with your slippers on the wrong feet?

Was all said with tongue firmly in cheek

I have to admit, even as a smoker myself, that I can't stand to be in enclosed places where people are smoking. Streaming eyes, smelly clothes, and fag ash and dimps all over the place. Awful!
I just know that there's a non smoker in me trying to get out.

Let the non smoker out since although you consider the last ten years of your life to be naff, after witnessing my mother in law literally dying in agony in front of me when she was the grand age of 58, with smoking related lung cancer and finding her husband dead on his kitchen floor from heart failure a few years later due, according to his doctor, to the fags he smoked, I would try to give it up if you can.
I know it must be hard to do that but I did encourage my mom and dad to stop smoking many years ago. They are still alive, dad's 85 and mom's 79, and they are reasonably healthy for their ages. Mom even went to Malta with us in February so she certainly isn't decrepid!
I really don't think us non smokers can winge enough and quite frankly if it wasn't for the secondary effects of the smoke I have to inhale and the smell on my clothes I wouldn't really care that people did smoke.
For your own sake and for those around you, I hope you do try try your best to give it up - go on give it a go- you might find it easier than you think!
I am a non smoker, so is my 19 year old grandson who has just been diagnosed with lung cancer, fortunately he has been told his cancer is 95% curable, yes I am against smoking but you can't blame smokers for everything, my husband and I suffered from a very bad dose of food poisoning on our only visit and last one to Malta, a very dirty bedroom, dirty cutlery and very uneatable food, friends who we were eating out with one evening had her cigarettes and lighter stolen by some local youths, Good luck to Malta for trying , but also get the Country cleaned up and more hygenic that may also be a bonus
You are dead right, smokers and smoking are the current 'flavour of the day' when it comes to getting a bad press. And for sure there are more harmful things out there that kill people every day (take the car for instance)
I hope that your grandson makes a full recovery, but I'm glad that he's a non smoker, that wouldn't have helped at all if he had been.
The sad thing is that the doctor would have just said, 'ah well, smoker, got lung cancer' that's the way it goes.'
Yet another misleading statistic.
Sorry to hear that your grandson has lung cancer and I hope he makes a full recovery from that dreadful disease. I know that smoking can't be blamed for every disease but it is a well known fact that it is a main cause of many diseases. Not to mention the fact that some smokers (not all) are totally inconsiderate to others around them. I have read your post concerning your stay in St Juliens and have to say that the resort is mainly for youngsters with nightclubs and the likes thereof! I have said before that a lot of people judge places by their experiences of their hotel and/or resort.
There are bad hotels everywhere but please wherever you holiday next take a look around the place and not just the hotel that you stay in.
Well better luck next time and I hope that you have a nice holiday wherever!
The smoke you are emitting comes as a by-product of your pleasure, smoking and permeates my clothing and hair, the smell of which remains for several hours.
My pleasure is obtained from drinking. Unfortunately, the by-products from my pleasure are urine and vomit.
How would you like it if I stood on the table and

P.S. For the mods, this is intended in a light hearted manner and not as an insult.
(There are none more righteous than the converted)

I'd like to thank everybody who has replied to me and sent their good wishes for my grandson, on Monday he did have encouraging new that the cancer had shruck, Yes I do agree that some smokers are very inconciderate, have had people light up a cigarette in a restaurant before I have finished eating and said things like don't worry your eating will not out me off my cigarette, which I think is very rude but I suppose us non smokers are always going to get this like the smokers feel like lepers, Regarding the hotel in St. Juliennes bay I only wish out travel agent had told us about the nightclubs before we booked, as there were plenty of 50+ there some staying for 10 weeks. I know you can't judge a place because of one hotel, but apart from the hotel Malta did nothing for me, they say you either love it or hate it
Yes, Drummer does look well even though he has a smoke but he is only twentyfive years old.
http://www.timesofmalta.com/core/article.php?id=182958 oh how I look forward to one day reading the same in the british press.
Sliema 2
Note to mods, I have moved this here for continuity purposes as it has been locked on the main forum, as it is considered to be a duplicated topic.
This is the latest weblink from The Times of Malta on-line regarding the complete public smoking ban Regards
Sliema 2
Note to mods, I have moved this here for continuity purposes as it has been locked on the main forum, as it is considered to be a duplicated topic.
Good link and yes let's hope we can soon read of a similar ban on smoking in our papers here.
Pojo - sorry to hear about your grandson and it's encouraging news to know that the tumour is shrinking. I certainly do agree that not all lung cancer is caused by smoking. There are lot's of nasties around in our environment that can have a similar effect (such as asbestos), but as you indicated you nevertheless don't condone smoking, - which let's face it really is the major cause of lung cancer in our society.
I would also like to see a ban on smoking in cars. It amazes me that if you are driving a car and eating a sandwich you can be prosecuted. Yet you can smoke a cigarette, a potential fire hazard, with impunity!
Thank you for your contribution to this thread pojo and also for your kind wishes, good luck with all that you have going on at the moment and I would personally like to wish your Grandson a speedy recovery and a happy and healthy future.
I would also like to thank your input to this thread.
I applaud your husbands respect for others and have to say that it's a pity that more people who smoke don't take the same line as he has,
Best wishes to you and your grandson,

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