Hi all I just wanted to share this with you all, you may or may not be aware that Mrs Sliema 2 & I have recently returned from yet another excellent holiday in magical Malta, we were over there for 8 days and nights and every night we went out for something to eat and a few beers as one does, because of the smoking ban never once after any of those nights did we go home with our clothes stinking of smoke, however, last night I went out for a few pints for the first time since I got back from our holiday and guess what ?, I woke up this morning to find my clothes reeking of other peoples rancid & vile smoke, so I would like to congratulate Malta ( & Ireland) for being so forward thinking in implementing the smoking ban, this country (uk) and a lot of it's inhabitants are extremely neanderthal and uneducated with regards to smoking, why is it that two such small countries are leading the way in Europe when larger countries such as the uk are miles behind in policy and health awareness, it is so nice to go out over there knowing that you won't be subjected to the disgusting emmisions of uneducated smokers blowing the foul residue of there pathetic addiction over us more aware and educated non-smokers, as I have said in previous postings my particular pleasure is good food, good beer, liqueurs, whisky and wines, there would certainly be an outcry if I were to share the residue of my pleasures with people in public, food for thought hey ?.
I fully agree with your comments Sliema2, however I have noticed that a few bars are ignoring the law and allowing people to smoke, they use cans for their ash!
Well done mate for actually outlining my feelings about the subject. You are quite right. During our recent stay in Malta I can't remember a time when I had my clothes reeking of the foul smell of tobacco smoke. However, my wife and I went out to have a social evening with friends yesterday evening and we both came back smelling like dirty ash trays!
I can't wait to see this Country of ours ban this vile, dirty and dangerous habit. I hope that unlike before when this topic was approached the thread isn't 'locked' because of the sensitive smokers who use the net and are too dumb to realise the damage they are causing themselves and everybody they pollute with their vile habit.
I congratulate Malta for allowing its people especially youngsters a cleaner environment in which to breathe,
Edited by
2005-03-02 22:46:36
Hi Trevor, as always I fully agree with and endorse your sentiments on this matter, it is good to hear from you mate and I will be in touch with you by private message very soon, regards to you and Mrs bhmtrev.
Hello Sliema2 you to are back, I seem to remember this topic from when I came back after the new year when I put up a few posts about it, I fully agree with all you say. Right so you have got that of your chest how about this report of your's, and you never did tell us about your visit to Delimara Point and if the young car park boy is now a old man or not, from the last time you went.

Needless to say, my husband put it in his packet for disposal in the proper place later.
Whilst I agree that Malta ought tidy up its act regarding litter I have to say that I can't see the connection between this and banning that filthy habit smoking. I think that it would have been better if you wanted to air your views on the litter problems in Malta that you posted it as a separate issue so that folks could post on that topic.
Regarding the rat problem, I was lead to believe that in our Country you are never more than 20 yards or so from a rat. If this is true and it's only what I was told, then I don't think rats are unique to Malta. I was in Tunisia a couple of years ago and saw plenty of rubbish and a dead rat in the gutter!
Maybe now Malta is in the EU perhaps they will be given plenty of funding to tidy up their Island . I'm sure you would agree with that,
Hi Trevor and Mo, Malta is by no way unique with it's rubbish or rats, we in the uk are surrounded by vast amounts of rubbish in our streets, town centres, railway embankments, country side, river banks etc etc, fly tipping is endemic in this country and the uk also needs educating regarding rubbish, and as for rats according to the experts Trevor's statistic is spot on, and rats of course are attracted to food waste which brings me back to our filthy town centres with there fast food outlets and uneducated peoples lack of care regarding the waste that these create, so Malta is by no way a market leader in this rather unpleasant field, in all my visits to Malta I have seen 2 rats they were both dead and in the country side, I have seen more rats of the two legged kind trying to sell slimeshare at Sliema ferries, in Buggiba, or as it now seems ringing people up from hotel receptions.
I do agree with you concerning dog muck but as for the bin men well they actually have a rubbish collection service not once a week but every day. The Maltese households do not have bins they put there rubbish outside their houses in bags for the bin men to collect. Which may explain what you saw.
Blimey I never realised that they had their rubbish collected every day! That sort of knocks our service into a 'cocked hat' so to speak. I also agree with Sliema2 about the rubbish problems in the UK and as for dog muck I think we have a bit of a problem with this also.
Well after saying all this I still think Malta's ban on smoking is right and I hope we follow suite soon,
Can anyone tell me if this ban includes smoking on tarrace bars or pavement type bars? i.e still technically in a bar but outdoors.
I don't know the answer to this but if anyone does know it I'd also like to know.
I hope you can't smoke in street bars in Malta because it would spoil our enjoyment and right to breathe 'smoke free'. As folks know even in the open air if you are by someone smoking you still inhale some of their smoke,
Hi everyone, sorry to be the bearer of bad news but smoking is permitted outside bars, the ban is centered around the size of ones internal capacity and not the size of pavement or outside bar space, as I have mentioned in a previous posting on here somewhere, we non-smokers can't win, yes it's great that we can now go into pubs and restaurants etc and not have to suffer the vile emmisions of other peoples smoke, but because smokers are banished outside there will be a greater number of them poluting our atmosphere outside on a nice summer night when you are having a cool beer outside for example Tony' s bar at Sliema ferries, as I said we smokers will never properly win until there is a full public smoking ban including in the streets.
Yes people are allowed to smoke outside the bars and from what I understand they always will be able to do so. At the moment the Smoking ban is only for large premises so small bars are not affected but from May this year the smoking ban comes into force on all restaurants and bars
My dive mate smokes and we sit outside so he can smoke. In The Heritage (I think) there is a smoking room with a sliding glass door. If it's left open to long, you get a bollocking off the staff! Suits me having a smoking ban - I'm allergic to nicotine, so it's rather novel being able to go into pubs. Never been able to spend any length of time in one before, and bar meals were DEFINETELY out of the question before. Hope UK does it, then perhaps I can go to clubs, wedding receptions, Christenings and other pub related parties! Dive safely.
Well I guess you guys won't want to go to Qawra Palace in January!
Well Drummer there is a bit of bad news for you as well, hotels are a bit tricky they let you smoke in your room if it is a smoking one that is, but as soon as you walk out of the door you are then in a non smoking area unless like in the bars you go outside.
I'm sure at your age you know that smoking will shorten your life and you're likely to eventually suffer some really horrible illness that will do this.

I think that all the people who write supporting a ban on smoking probably don't care that anyone does smoke as long as they aren't inhaling any secondary smoke since that has also been proved to be as harmful. Therefore, all I would ask is that you don't annoy folks when you're in Malta by smoking in areas that you're not supposed to. When I was out there recently I only witnessed people smoking outside except for one old lady who I saw smoking in the Hotel foyer and I think people thought she was a bit batty anyway.

Does anyone know whether the ban in Malta covers hotel rooms, since I don't want to stay in a room smelling like an ashtray?
Hi Trevor, me neither, a reply to this question would be very helpfull.

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