I'v often wondered how they can remember so many diffrent user names ans passwords? I'v enuff trouble remembering one

doepsmc wrote:I've seen IP addresses mentioned before but I don't really understand what they are?
Ok, not sure if I have got this correct, but I understand that an IP address(which I think stands for Internet Protocol address

Sorry, that was a bit

because you are a first time traveller here is a little info on what to do next, because regardless on where or how you booked you are unhappy and maybe we can assist you to get the answers you want.
1. contact ros as mentioned in previous post for advice on the legal side of how you stand.
2. send detailed letter to tour operator including what action you expect to happen from this complaint. be as detailed as possible include any pictures or evidence you may have to support your claims, only send photocopies not origionals.
3. keep a record of when you sent te letter, they 28 days to acknowledge the letter then a further 30 days to action the complaint, get proof of posting.
4. remember that the first reply does not have to be the final reply, if you are not satisfied with tyh letter then a furtner reply to that letter can be sent following same precdure as ın point 3.
5. be honest and direct to the point, lines in the letter like i had a wonderful holiday but... are not good.
I appreciate that as a first time traveller AI may seem the ideal solution, however, can I just stir things up a little by mentioning how much damage AI does for the whole of the Island. Bars, restaurants and local traders of all types suffer when a local hotel goes AI. I know this is an old chestnut but I have seen the damage it causes.
In a street not too far from the Hawaii are several empty bars that didn't open this year because last year the hotel opposite went All Inclusive. Unsuspecting British (and Skandinavian) families bought these bars not knowing about the AI - and lost their money.
This argument can fill many pages and is probably not for here, but please when booking AI consider that a) you get what you pay for and with AI this can sometimes mean little choice and b) if you want further investment in the things we all want to see and do in the resorts then.....
PS I think AI in less developed markets (such as - perhaps - Dominican Republic) may well be a sensible way for their resorts to become established.
So far as the other things I'm afraid it doesn't sound like compensation is in order. These things are often easier to deal with if you have a rep, but as you don't it's direct with the hotel, and I presume you made your feelings clear whilst you were there. Regardless of compensation aspect people should complain about standards as this is the only way (other than people just not booking, which it sounds like they won't after the first time) they will try to make improvements. I would write an official letter listing all complaints either to your booking agent, the hotel itself, or both.
Checking in is generally after 3pm. Room vacation is 11am which only gives a couple of hours for cleaning (all rooms which have checked out that day). You'll find this standard in the UK as well as abroad. You can request a specific room but that doesn't mean you will get it - nothing is guaranteed. Entertainment, well did they not provide something that they should have done?
I'm sorry you've had this experience. Don't let it put you off going abroad. You now have the benefit of this site to help you choose for next year - and you can google other holiday review sites to see what they say. I either decide on where to go based on reviews, or I find a hotel and then check out the reviews to see if it seems like a good idea or not. Here at HT the reviews are invaluable, but also the forums.
I think perhaps this one is best put behind you, but good luck with your official complaints.
Missunhappy, when you booked with Travel Republic what exactly did you book. I appreciate the hotel was booked via Trav. Rep. but what about the flights, the transfers to/from hotel and any other elements such as car hire, pre-booked trips ?
I ask this as booking two of the above items would generally deem the purchase to be a "Package". Rules apply to Package Tours that could be used to your benefit with regard to lack of facilities.
Gather together all the paperwork that you received when you booked and call Ros Fernihough in the first instance on 01922 621114. She and/or her colleagues will be best able to advice if you have a valid claim.
Re. Samsung753, kmba and BULLSNIPER - I don't care if you are the "unholy Trinity" but please try and remember that people come on this site to seek help and guidance. Stating what they should have done is fairly pointless and somewhat demeaning. Explaining what they can NOW do is, in my opinion a much better approach.
As usual Mike, well said from start to finish - and to the possible "unholy trinity" so say all of us! Just stay with us missunhappy - the support is here for the majority of the members. Jenny
I wasnt rude cheeky or anything else.
I just stated if they had done more research they may have had a better holiday.
I am entitled to my own opinion as you are yours
And what about the IP address, opinions, remarks and other similarities shared with kmba and BULLSNIPER ?
I just stated if they had done more research they may have had a better holiday.
People who post in this section are the people with a problem. It is easy to say that someone should have done more research - Most of the postings for help are from "New Members" who have only just discovered this site.
I try not to express sympathy with people who have had a problem. Sympathy does not resolve the problem.
They do need to know what they can do to seek redress.
Mike has pointed them in the direction of Ros and her team who are the experts.
We can only express an opinion which in many cases is of little help.
With regard to the IP address - that is a matter for the Mods/Admin. There is no need for multiple identities on HT - but as I understand it several people sharing a computer would generate the same IP addresss.
because you are a first time traveller here is a little info on what to do next, because regardless on where or how you booked you are unhappy and maybe we can assist you to get the answers you want.
1. contact ros as mentioned in previous post for advice on the legal side of how you stand.
2. send detailed letter to tour operator including what action you expect to happen from this complaint. be as detailed as possible include any pictures or evidence you may have to support your claims, only send photocopies not origionals.
3. keep a record of when you sent te letter, they 28 days to acknowledge the letter then a further 30 days to action the complaint, get proof of posting.
4. remember that the first reply does not have to be the final reply, if you are not satisfied with tyh letter then a furtner reply to that letter can be sent following same precdure as ın point 3.
5. be honest and direct to the point, lines in the letter like i had a wonderful holiday but... are not good.
That is good advice for anyone to follow who has had a bad holiday.
To Miss Unhappy, I am sorry you had a poor holiday, but I hope you return to Majorca again oneday, it truly is a wonderful place, and you have found the best website on the net for hotel reviews, resort reviews and I hope you are never dissappointed again.
I hope all turns out well and you get a (full, not partial) refund, as what you got on holiday was not as was described by lynwestie in a previous post, and it sound to me like you were "mis-sold" your holiday from what you paid for and what you actually recieved.
I hope all turns out well and you get a (full, not partial) refund, as what you got on holiday was not as was described by lynwestie in a previous post, and it sound to me like you were "mis-sold" your holiday from what you paid for and what you actually recieved.
jollypostie, I also hope it turns out well but the chances of receiving ANY refund is slim - there's no way a full refund will be offered.
In my opinion, when you arrive at a hotel to discover it is of a lower standard than advertised and/or missing a considerable number of facilities/amenities you must immediately lodge a complaint with the rep. and demand a change to an alternate hotel which provides the facilities you booked and paid for. If they are unable or unwilling to move you to such a place you've two choices at that time. Agree a compensation amount with the t.o. and get that agreement in writing or demand an immediate return flight home with full refund of the holiday cost. These requests should be made in writing in resort.
Only in the latter case will you stand any chance of a full refund and you will still need proof of the missing facilities/amenities etc.
In my opinion, a court would consider the passengers agreement to remain in a "sub-standard" hotel as partial acceptance of the situation unless it could be proven that a return flight was requested and refused at every such request.
Speak to Ros - her office will be able to quantify the "value" of your grievance and that's the issue now.
n my opinion, when you arrive at a hotel to discover it is of a lower standard than advertised and/or missing a considerable number of facilities/amenities you must immediately lodge a complaint with the rep.
Missunhappy stated in an earlier post that there was no rep, I would imagine that is why she is complaining in retrospect, ie after she has returned from holiday.
I agree to ring this Ros lady, but I feel Missunhappy has a valid claim
When we were in Turkey five years ago we had a problem and the rep was not interested. I emailed the TO and within 24hrs the problem was resolved. The rep was most upset as he got a B*******g - As I said at the time he had a chance to sort it and did not.
A little late in the day in this case but it can be worthwhile.
Sorry to hear you had such a terrible experience with this hotel. We went last year and are booked for going back in 4 weeks. We thought this was a great 3* AI hotel.
Official check in time for this hotel is 3pm earliest. The all-inclusive drinks included all drinks including lemonade & coke!!, so not sure why miss unhappy was buying them.There werer also hardly any queues for the bars which is something of a rarity for AI. Ice cream tubs & lollies are also included for the children, the ice creams you pay for are the ones like magnums etc .
We never had a problem accompanying our children to get drinks, certainly with the little one it makes sense because small children , glasses & marble floors do not mix!.
We thought the food was good also, we had my 67 year old mother with us who had previously stayed several times at the Sol antilles & she said the food was better at the Hawaii than the Antilles.
The rooms, unless you you had paid specifically for a sea view you cannot guarantee you will get one.
I have stayed in several all inclusive hotels & for the money you cannot beat the Hawaii.
They have an extensive entertainment program at this hotel so I dont understand why missunhappy couldn't see any childrens activities going on. The food is good for a 3* and plenty of choice. Do you remember on Denis and Angela? They were fantastic!!! cant wait to get there.......
Re. Samsung753, kmba and BULLSNIPER - I don't care if you are the "unholy Trinity" but please try and remember that people come on this site to seek help and guidance. Stating what they should have done is fairly pointless and somewhat demeaning. Explaining what they can NOW do is, in my opinion a much better approach.
In my opinion, when you arrive at a hotel to discover it is of a lower standard than advertised and/or missing a considerable number of facilities/amenities you must immediately lodge a complaint with the rep. and demand a change to an alternate hotel which provides the facilities you booked and paid for. If they are unable or unwilling to move you to such a place you've two choices at that time. Agree a compensation amount with the t.o. and get that agreement in writing or demand an immediate return flight home with full refund of the holiday cost. These requests should be made in writing in resort.
Cannot see any differance in this post
Sorry to hear your first time abroad was bad.
I think if this had been my first holiday abroad, I would have done more research on the hotel before i booked anything, more so if i had a disabled child.
I would also have booked through a high street travel agent for my first time.
Hope it hasnt put you of and you get it sorted.
Good Luck
you state what they should have done in your post ( in my opinion )
pot calling the kettle comes to mind
i am just pointing this out as being double standard.
But the difference is Mike was actually trying to offer some constructive help, whereas Samsung 753, kmba and BULLSNIPER were basically saying its your own fault because you didn't research properly before you booked.

Many people do not know of sites such as this and only come to us after they have experienced problems, hoping for a bit of guidance as to where to go next.

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