We will have two full days here, would like to catch bit of sun as well as a good overview of the city. I believe there is a 'big bus' type tour that we can do... is this something like we have in the UK, buy a day ticket and jump on/jump off type of thing on a certain route/routes?
Not so fussed about shopping malls but saw a posting somewhere that they are open till 2AM!!!!!! So perhaps a bit of shopping could be done once the sun goes down so to speak!!
Have no idea where would be good to stay, there is ourselves and two daughters so perhaps an apartment would be better for us on a budget. Just want somewhere half decent and clean to sleep [dont intent to spend much time indoors!!] and in a good location for airport and attractions.
Bearing in mind the short time there, where would be best to go in the evenings for something to eat/ nice bar where we could sit outside and take in the atmosphere?
Any advise gratefully received