Hi all!
Just to let you know that I have returned safely from yet another indescribeably fantastic holiday at "Marmite Mansions". Got indoors at 1am. gmt this morning after a great trip back which started with a trip to Sharm in the "guvners" new jeep thingy. XL were fantastic, both outwards and back, with the best crews we have ever experienced on the Gatwick/Sharm route.
What can I say about the weather? It was just like being in Paradise every day, with the temp hovering in the late thirties and a breeze that was enough to make the heat bearable.
The great Swisscare service and hospitality was just as usual, even though, (great to see!), the hotel was really busy. Really nice mix of nationalities, all with the same idea as us, just to "mong out" as much as possible.
Lots of stuff to relate and things to tell which are probably better discussed in "rambling". Reg, F a n n i e, camels and Alvin's podginess are all to come! Lots of pics too!
Only bad point? My alarm is set for 4am tomorrow!