Hi there,
I'd like to know if I am likely to encounter any problems at Dabolim airport if I arrive with a newly purchased/unopened Mp3 player.
I'm in the market for a new Ipod and the prices at the Dixons store at Gatwick will hopefully be cheaper than in the high street, so I thought I'd buy one on my way out. I'm a bit worried that, if I do this, they may think I'm intending to sell it on (which I'm not).
Any advice much appreciated
Mp3 Player... Don't think they should have a problem, although you could dump the box before flying if you are worried, I came through in August with a new laptop and dvd player - ok, they weren't boxed but I had a fair share of electronics... :o) -
There is a facility to leave your purchase at Gatwick and pick it up on your return. Just ask in the shop when you purchase the item.
I think the offer to purchase before you fly and collect on your return to the UK may only be applicable for flights within the European Union.
If you have the receipt from wherever you purchase the player, that should be OK.
If I've bought something new in the UK e.g. camera, I always take the receipt with me as if you get stopped by UK customs on return, they may want you to prove that it was not brought abroad and therefore doesn't form part of your duty-free gift allowance.
Although the duty-free prices at the airport will be cheaper than the high street, I'd be inclined to source via the Internet, using one of the comparison sites.
If you're not flying non-stop and will be going into transit at Bahrain, they have a good range of electronics.
We fly out on saturday afternoon (yay!) and are planning to take with us
2 x gameboys, 2 x MP3 players & a small portable DVD player
These are mostly to keep the kids amused on the flight/waiting in the airports, but also so we can listen to music in our hotel room...
Will these items pose any kind of problem? Do we have to 'declare' them when we arrive, and will we be charged a tax ?
I am a big kid and cannot live without my gameboy and mp3 player. I took a new one of each with me last year (not in their boxes) and I never had problems either in Goa or when I returned.
hi, i came back recently and i'm gadget crazy, my hand luggage was full of gadgets and i had no problems at all.
Excellent thanks, thats one less thing to worry about
I'll try and find out if I can pick up my purchases when I return home - I think that would be the best option as I wouldn't have to worry about keeping an eye on it when I'm over there.
I'm not sure if my flight stops in Bahrain (it's with Monarch...groan..). I'll find out when I get my tickets this week!
Thanks again everyone for your replies!

Here's what the BAA website says about collecting your purchases on your return to the UK:
sorry we can't lift things directly from other websites but feel free to delete this if you can give a weblink in its place.
Fiona ht mod
You can telephone the duty free Dixons shop at Gatwick for prices. Their number is 01293-569509 *(hope this is ok Fiona, it really is the shop phone number)
I would definitely do this because I went to the duty free Dixons to buy a camera once on the way to Jamaica and it was more expensive in the duty free shop than in the high street stores.
Duty free it may be but not necessarily cheaper.
Regarding entering Goa, I regularly take electronic goods into Goa as gifts for friends and have never had a problem.
where the phone number is a business one there are no problems
My partner is the photo guy and he'll have to take along all his fancy cameras and equipment. All this needs to be declared at Gatwick, right? What do we need for that? Receipts? I'm not sure he still has his receipts as he never took his equipment out of the EU! Please tell me how this "declare" thing works, I never had to it :s
I don't think that you need to declare your camera stuff at Gatwick.
One point I was making about taking receipts for new electronic goods with you was because we were once stopped at Customs re-entering the UK from Thailand and the guy asked us if we'd bought any cameras or similar electronic goods.
We hadn't and said so, and he then asked if we'd taken any with us and asked to see our camera. It was obviously not new so we were ok.
With the Duty Free gift limit less than £150 (I think), we always like to be able to prove what we took out of the UK (rather than bought abroad) in case we are stopped.
I have a vague recollection about declaring video cameras when you get to Goa - but I may just have dreamed this as it doesn't apply to us as we don't take one.
Hi , i will be taking my video camera with me to Goa in April. I will be carrying it in my hand luggage( so i know its safe, cost over £400) Will i have to declare this at customs in manchester or declare it on arrival at Goa.
Thanks for the number Fritz - much appreciated. I'll give them a call and see what they say.
you don't have to declare goods on exiting the UK for a holiday.
I have a vague recollection about declaring video cameras when you get to Goa - but I may just have dreamed this as it doesn't apply to us as we don't take one.
As far as I can recall on our arrival at Dabolim we were required to complete the entry/immigration questionnaire, on the form there is provision for you to enter the make & serial number of any electrical goods that you are taking into Goa. We completed the form & had no problems whatsoever
If you don't have receipts then take a photo with, for example,a newspaper (anything with a date on) and everything you want to take so that if push comes to shove you can prove you already owned the stuff.

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