I've noticed when using my tablet and writing a post that the text size is set at small.
I change it to normal size, but it won't stay on that size, it keeps reverting back to the small setting after a break in the written text in a post......usually at the start of a sentence or the start of a new paragraph.
It's annoying and it's just done it again.
Sanji x
I'm on a tablet Sanji & mine's fine
No, it keeps doing it, it's set as small on my tablet.
Just testing this using an IPad. The text size defaulted to small , so I just used the drop down to set it to normal. I am now writing using normal text size and so far it has not switched back to small . I would suggest that it would be better if it defaulted to nomal size text, and if anyone wanted it small, they could choose that. It would also be useful to be able to preview the message before it gets posted.
Try writing this please, exactly as I have written it. Not one continuous text.
I started off by using the drop down menu and setting the text at normal, the start of this line has reverted back to small.
Sanji x
Try writing this please, exactly as I have written it. Not one continuous text.
I started off by using the drop down menu and setting the text at normal, the start of this line has reverted back to small.
Sanji x
Try writing this please, exactly as I have written it. Not one continuous text.
I started off by using the drop down menu and setting the text at normal, the start of this line has reverted back to small.
Except that in reality it is working perfectly remaining at Normal the whole time I am typing. It seems that IPads can cope with this oddity whilst your brand cannot.
Like I said earlier, there is no logical reason why the text defaults to small, ( who would want this ?) and the developers changing this should solve your problem.
I started off by using the drop down menu and setting the text at normal, the start of this line has reverted back to small.
Except that in reality it is working perfectly remaining at Normal the whole time I am typing. It seems that IPads can cope with this oddity whilst your brand cannot.
Like I said earlier, there is no logical reason why the text defaults to small, ( who would want this ?) and the developers changing this should solve your problem.
I agree, the default setting should be normal.
Let's hope somebody sees this and changes it....for the sake of my eyes 😁
Sanji x
I am here Sanji and have the same problem as you. Its small font right now. I have highlighted this . I think Lance is on holiday at the moment, or just back.
We are looking into the issue and we hope to get a fix in asap.
Thank you for your patience.
This should be fixed now - let me know....
Just testing and writing anything to test. I noticed that the text size button has disappeared.
Start of a new sentence keeps the same size text.
Even after a break.

Thank you because it's been very difficult writing in small text.
Sanji x
Just testing, text appears normal size from the outset. If I hit the BBcode button the text the reverts to small again. Moral:- don't touch the BBcode button.
Glad it's sorted 👍

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