If you are anything bigger than a size 12/14 forget buying bikinis over there!! Although they have now got these 'wrap' round bikini bottoms but they just felt (and looked) weird!
i always take a couple of extension leeds then you only need a couple of indian plugs then all the things you take ie chargers hairdriers kettles you can use your british plugs without adapters,plus you can have them where they are handy for you ,also take an led headlight great for reading when the power goes off or just walking about hands free
For anyone worrying about their weight allowance, we take a couple of the Imperial Leather Foamburst instead of shower gel as they are much lighter and 2 will do both of us for the 3 wks ....Keith
Hi only just read this thread but i think you will find that they dont have plugs in sinks for religous reasons, some religions have to have free flowing water else its deemed to to be clean.
please correct me if i am wrong.
Think I may have put this somewhere else but not sure what thread - I take a universal sink plug from Morrisons - 99p, it works on a suction type action. Great especially if you want to fill the sink to wahs few bits through
after reading all the great posts off everyone i got the plugs from a pound shop three different types so one will fit
especially when you wash your smalls in the sink hehe dont forget the travel wash as well, and we always take
ok ok a washing line and pegs great stuff as hang em out dry
don't bother with the washing line and pegs, hang things over the balcony. We only get away for a week so only smalls and swim wear to wash out. So thoughtful of the hotels to put a big bucket in the bathroom!!
I have been known to enjoy the odd G&T on the balcony and discovered that you can buy a huge (and I do mean huge) bag of ice from Newtons for 50 rps. We then need to take some freezer bags to split it up into smaller packs for the freezer compartment.
No more fiddling about with piddling little ice trays and ice that melts as soon as you pour something on it!
Mind you, you do need to get the bag back to the apartment quickly or you have an expensive bag of water on your hands!
Vinegar. I don't know if it is just me, but the vinegar on holiday is not that good.
It looked like it had been watered down at a couple of places last year, but it wasn't.
Im also taking salad cream with me next week, even though they sell it in Goa. It might not taste the same
Im also packing an extension lead, so i can charge both of our phones, and my sons psp.