Hi kilgorek ... this particular forum is intended for members requiring advice or assistance with holiday complaints. For general discussion about currency related matters, please check out the following topic:
After the exchange I saw that it was not good; it cost me over £1500 more compared with my normal bank Natwest.
And, lo, did I then spot that the exchange had been done with Thomas Cook (who it appears do all Nationwide exchanges) and they charged a huge commission.
Complaints afterward to Nationwide, Thomas Cook , banking Ombudsman were (a) sorry we are not prepared to do anything not even apologise (b) no reply ever (c) not our concern.
So now you know who NOT to use for foreigne exchange.
Woolwich in Guernsey were good but they were taken over by Barclays so it's back to square one.
So for Nationwide exchange rates we should read Thomas Cooks.
Its up to you to shop around and get the best rate for your money not them.
Perhaps they are now more open about the connection but I would not touch them again.
Naturally I shopped around and was led to view Nationwide as having the best rate available so the extra surcharge/commission was a foul surprise.
I still consider the transaction to have been handled in an underhand way and do not forgive Nationwide for their subsequent total unconcern about (a) having used TC for the exchange and (b) not having revealed that this third party would be involved with ensuing commission charges.
The deal was presented as being entirely Nationwide's affair with apparently every expectation of achieving the best possible result.
I rest my case and opened it only in the hope that others would not be equally misled.
It sounds as though yours was a commercial transaction. The rate is vastly different for commercial bank transfers as opposed to the tourist rate which is advertised in banks and travel shops.
Also, commercial transactions always incur commission charges.
I live in Germany and often transfer funds between the two countries, the rate the banks offer me is normally higher than the tourist rates but after commission charges in both countries I alway end up getting less than expected. Doesn't help much in your case but if you need to transfer money in the future you will be more aware of possible problems.
Thomas Cook rates are always pretty low though, but you only have to ask for a better rate and they'll give it you! They'll always match the best rate in the town they're located in (but still not as good as using the Nationwide card abroad).
I always find Marks & Spencer offer very competitive rates. They are also commission free and offer an buy back service.

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