A fight coming in the early afternoon (today 24th Jun 2013) had a incident with one of its engines. The plane touched down on the tarmac and was starting its slow down proceedure which would mean using "reverse thrust" to slow the craft down, had a big "backfire" in one of its engines. On lookers saw a big flame and cloud of yellow smoke/dust thrown out of one of its engines. The plane was brought to a stop very quickly (much shorter than normal when you land) which after the bang and flames must have been very scary for the the passengers and crew. The aircraft then sat there for a minute as emergency crews arrived. The crews drove around but didn't get out and nothing appeared to be done. The plane then started moving again and slowly taxied its way in. Several planes coming in behind it were diverted to Liverpool, but the giant Antonov 225 cargo plane that was due in, still managed to land safely after a good clean up of the runway.
does anyone know the full details ?