Flying MAN-BJV on TOM886 this thursday 27th. What plane am I likely to have and will it have seatback monitors?
Flight TOM886 is set to be operated on a ex-Thomsonfly Boeing 767-300 Short Haul Configuration. Seating is 2-4-2 throughout the cabin. There is a 66% chance you will be on a aircraft which has the seat back IFE.
For more information on aircraft visit the What Aircraft Guide
Edited by
2009-08-25 20:13:30
Thanks for the info mate.
No problem if you drop a post the day before you travel I or someone else on the forums will be able to fill you in as to the exact aircraft you are traveling on.
This is still happening, so much for an overrun maintenance issue.
Has anyone had a refund yet for their seating services costs?
Has anyone had a reply from customer services?
Myself and a colleague in work are really getting fed up with this, my colleague has had a very dismissive reply, and no refund. I have had no reply no refund.
We have registered the complaint with BBC Watchdog.
Has anyone else had any joy with this complaint. It might give us a little reassurance if someone somewhere was getting a little customer service.
I was in economy on TOM196 on 21st July and 4th August when the aircraft got changed. I sent a letter to Thomson just expressing my disgust with how they handled the situation, telling them not to make promises they can not keep as they promised inbound flight would be normal aircraft and to make a complaint about the rude crew on the flight to Cancun and they sent me a letter back which was 3 lines asking me to be patient and wait for them to get back to me with a full reply.
Not heard from them now for 2 weeks.
To be honest I've pretty much given up on them dealing with the complaint after having problems with their seating services last year.
Really I just want my refund for the service that I paid for and didn't receive.

Duncan0808 wrote:so much for an overrun maintenance issue
They're having problems with recurring issues on a couple of aircraft that is resulting in them going in for unscheduled maintenance / repairs. That's the cause of the recent change to short haul aircraft on some flights. While I can understand your frustrations, it's either a lengthy delay or less seat pitch I'm afraid. I can't comment on the compalints issue.
It does seem to have been going on for a while now though. I have seen others complaining about the same thing happening on Orlando flights about a month before we travelled so its been a problem for at least a couple of months.
I actually think the Thomson long haul flights are a really good product, if you get the right plane and everything is fine. Out of the last 6 flights I have had though, I have had problems on 5 of them, all to do with the seating services and lack of training at the call centre.
For work I fly with Emirates to FE and the usual Thomson flights are just as good in comparison.
The aftersales service is abysmal, I am just wondering if anyone else has managed to get any resolution yet.
Thanks again.
I've had the oposite experience with them!! Of my last dozen or so flights with them, I've never had a problem. The merger has caused issues over the last 12 months with different policy and procedures having to be integrated in to one along with staff. Now the merger is completed (May this year), things will hopefully settle down. I know a couple that have had complaints dealt with accordingly, but it can take a couple of months. Bear in mind we're in the middle of the peak season so complaints are likely to take longer to resolve.
I have to agree there Long Haul product ( when they get it right ) is one of the best I have seen in a long time of traveling.
For superior to that of Thomas Cook but like you said there aftersales support is terrible its like once they have got you home they don't want to know you again.
When I first used them from Doncaster Airport it was a dream to fly with them I felt like I was flying one of the best long haul services in the world especially with Doncaster Airport being so small it seemed like we got more of a personal touch but this year they have let me down slightly but it wont put me off traveling with them. That and Thomson are the only ones who do the Riu Cancun.
Further to Dazbo's post I know that G-DBLA has been out of service now since the 20th, not sure of the exact issue but this is the problem aircraft casuing the problems. I have to say I feel sorry for TOM196/7 passengers last week who were on a aircraft with no IFE at all.
At least we were lucky enough to get the IFE Duncan otherwise it would of been a hell of a long flight.
z.j.c wrote:I have to say I feel sorry for TOM196/7 passengers last week who were on a aircraft with no IFE at all.
They had G-OBYH last week. It has IFE via overhead screens. I know what you mean though, no seat back IFE. I came back on G-OBYF from St Lucia via Barbados that was in the same configuration as G-OBYH. They aren't ideal as it's awkward to see the screens from some seats because of the overhead storage bins. They're bearable for long flights, I wouldn't like to do it now though!
At least they got some form of IFE. I can see what you mean I bet its hard trying to see the screens from the 4 seats if your in the middle of the seats. If all long haul was like that then we wouldn't moan but because were use to there new services its a shock when were thrown in back into the dark ages you could call it!
I've had problems, without going into too much detail, I had prebooked row 15, c,d & e for my husband and son last year. (Thanks to your great seating plans!)
They should never have been sold to us as these are classed as exit seats and a child can't sit in them and after a lot of careful planning was extremely disappointed when we spent both the outward and the return swapping seats. I couldn't get anyone to reorganise seats for the return leg. This has never been refunded or resolved properly.
When flying to PUJ in Feb, there was one guy who knew we couldn't sit here.
But They actually tried to sell me these seats again, when I rang to change my seat numbers when the aircraft had changed this year, so they hadn't taken to much notice of me highlighting this "training need".
On the PUJ flight everything was fine, until another family was really messed about by the seating services people, so our "problem" was only indirect as we offered to swap seats.
Now the cabin crew were fantastic, the captain even let us have a sneaky look in the cockpit after we landed and they gave us a couple of complimentary drinks to say thank you.
I do feel desparately sorry for the cabin crew, who invariably have to face the brunt of everyones frustrations, when they have no control over matters and are left sorting out problems that really didn't need to become problems.
Arhh z.j.c, the IFE, there was a bit more misinformation, hubby asked the Thomson rep when we checked in if there would be seat back IFE, and they said no! So we ended up spending a fortune in Dixons on a DS, Games and PSP films........
Hey Ho, as you say, at least it is reassuring to know they are maintaining the aircraft!!
We got a call from Thomson a few days before we flew to tell us we would still get seat back IFE we just wouldn't get the seat pitch. However I had prepared my Laptop with a selection of films just incase something else cropped up!
On the call they did Promise and they "expressed" there "promise" many times we would have the normal AC on the way home but as we know not everyone keeps there promises.
Hi guys, we are flying to Kefallonia from Bristol on a flight only in two weeks time and wondered if we have to confirm the return flight the day before we leave.
It's always recommended that you confirm the flight the day before to ensure there are no schedule changes. However, I must admit I never bother as they rarely change and you can check it online anyway (if you have internet access). If you're staying in a hotel or apartments where Thomson have guests staying, your flight details may be posted on their notice board for pick-up times etc so that's always worth a look.
Thanks Daz, I guess there must be a number to call on the e ticket.
We FLy 10th Sept BHX to CUN flight TOM662, sorry have a few questions
What will the food be ??
IFE choices
and for the IFE do you have to buy head phones or are you supplied them? if you have to buy, what jack plug style are the aircraft equpped with, as we have head sets from previous flights.

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