Hi Pat
Thanks for that, that is where I have been looking but it is greyed out and says in the top right hand corner that it says select your seat and then in red next to it x 4 selected. What I cannot see though is seat numbers that we have booked.
I have been speaking with customer service at Thompson and they said that as we are outside of the 90 day window that our seats have not been booked but I am convinced we did what you say and saw the seat plan and booked 2 in one row and 2 in another, I particularly remember ensuring that our kids were behind us so we could wallop them if they kicked the seats (just kidding).
I guess I will have to follow Darren's advice and keep checking to see when the bookings open to see if it allows me to select seats as I may have just dreamed that I selected them!
Having said that Pat, did you get a confirmation email from Thomson about your seat numbers because I was just checking and I had an email confirmation of our seat numbers for the Turkey flights that I just did last week. Nothing showing for Dom Rep though but also the Turkey holiday was a package rather than a custom made one from CW.
PS Where are you staying in Dom Rep?