I understand your problems at the time but do you not think that maybe
the rep was just as scared as you, and probably wasn't thinking straight
The hotel staff are mexican and are used to the Hurricane season, therefore react better to it, I am of course assuming the rep was British.
In the immediate aftermath I would agree that a name check would have been in order, but logistical problems such as moving you or reptriating
you would have been the responsibility of the resort office to liase with the U.K duty office and then advise the resort staff what the evacuation plan would be, subject to communications being in working order, ie phone lines etc.
I sympathise with you and I am glad you got home unscathed, but I sympathise with the resort staff who I am sure were in a situation they never envisaged when they joined, And I am certain clients didn't help the situation either. The rep is in a difficult position, if they say nothing because they know nothing they are branded useless, and if they say something which proves to be incorrect, or is changed at a later stage, they are liars.