Hi Jojouk, can't vouch for Bugibba / Qawra, but Sliema certainly seemed much better.
During our hol between 11/8 & 25/8 ee were harassed on the main coastal road which runs alongside the Qwara Palace Hotel. There were literally a swarm of them and I can only assume that they'd been moved on from the bus terminus in Bugibba. They were offering us cigarrettes to go with them and when we said that we didn't engage in that filthy habit, they offered us Lm10 each!! Talk about a sprat to catch a mackerel. I have to say when we turned down their offers they weren't as abusive as (name removed) and his gang who I encountered at the Sliema ferries but nevertheless I found them to be irritating,
Please do not post names of timeshare touts here in the forums
David HT Mod
Being the gobby geordie i am i asked him why he had to get his girlfriend to sort me out and wasnt he man enough to do it himself

After he left a woman who was selling timeshare came over to apologise for his threatening behaviour and went back to him started shouting at him and he then left.
Hopefully it will be better this time and im not going to let them put me enjoying Malta

Oh! what a bargain they sound especially when you are slightly drunk. Not that I was of course! Please, please be careful folks.
When we were in Malta last year, the hassle from these people was unbelievable. We walked back to our hotel lots of times through the little back streets and they were driving around, and as soon as they see ya, they jump out of the car and leg it towards you. Good job I enjoy a slanging match. But it worried me if there were young girls or older people around. This behaviour is so wrong. They'd be arrested here for that stuff.
I'm sure the Maltese Government will get them sorted. We are going back in November and don't want to spend my week being stalked by these loonies.
(named removed ), and all of them seem to have an official looking name tag hanging around their neck. I just wonder whether folks going to Malta on hols, if harassed could obtain the name of the slimeball and then let us have it so that we could publish a 'shame' list for all to see?
Please do not post names of timeshare touts here in the forums
David HT Mod
Great to read your replies especially since I was beginning to think that I was the only one that was suffering slimeshare abuse this year. As you might have noticed I've managed to get the name of one of these slimeballs Trev
Please do not post names of timeshare touts here in the forums
David HT Mod
Malta is a lovely Island but it has 1 BAD think TIMESHARE they really get on your nervs.
One day as i was going to a grocer across the road from the hotel a timeshare lady stopped me and told me are you interested ............... I told here no i am not interested in your timeshare and she started swearing at me what did i do wrong
Thats the only Malta has bad these Timeshare People you get stopped about 15 times a fay espaicly in Bugibba and Qawra.
Come on Maltaa Fix Up This Problem
Time share is not new in Malta. I can remember being stopped in Sliema back in the 80s by these slimeballs. Like I have said previously, somehow Malta is making money or something worth having, out of this practice otherwise why haven't they made all forms of timeshare selling illegal??? I am baffled!
The actual product is well worth it and great value for money if you like lovely hotels and saving money on holidays.
The OPCs on the streets are generally ok with the exception of a few. It is a hard job for them on the streets and sometimes tourists can be very rude and abusive, so sometimes the OPCs hit back after they get rejection after rejection.
If people just say no and don't appear to be arrogant most OPCs will just move on to the next couple.
My advice is to just say no and walk on. If you are persued in a manner that seems to be aggressive or harrassing then simply take note of the OPCs badge number and name and report him/her to the police.
However, don't let that put you off going to a presentation if you are interested in better holidays.
Most presentations are fun and light hearted and the sales reps will take no for an answer.
The problem is that most people are narrow minded and believe everything they read in the tabloids.
Happy holidays.
Fact: rejection is a part of sales, if a sales person can't accept rejection then they are not cut out for the job and shouldn't be doing it.
Sliema 2 You are 100% right. People are scared though and think they will be tied to a chair and thrown a hammock and a cheese sandwich every 9 hours.
Let me think now, is there an annual admin fee, booking fee, is the insurance cheaper, if you buy the 'anywhere week' product do you always get to go to the destination that you have selected and from the airport that you want?
I once bought a cheap holiday to a timeshare complex in Portugal that was cheaper then the timeshare customers could stay there that week. I found that the TV that was in my apartment actually belonged to someone who had a timeshare in another apartment! and had been 'borrowed' without their knowledge.
At the end of the day someone is making a profit from somewhere!
Holiday Clubs and Timeshare just guarantees you a better standard of accomodation at a cheaper price than rip off travel agents.
You should always get involved with a reputable company though. Companies to avoid are FlexiClub, Sunterra & Island Residence Resorts.
If you were interested in buying a time share property, you would approach a company yourself. I do not see a need for people to stand in the streets and harrass folks on holiday.

Well im off to Malta very soon.
Timeshare reps is what i dread about Malta and more so because we are staying in Bugibba this time.
Anyway folks Take Care and i will see you all in 15 days

There are over 50,000 Families that own timeshare in Malta and taking the verage family size at 3 persons, this accounts to 12.5% of tourist arrivals to Malta.....so yes the section of the industry is important to the islands. 150,000 must be happy with what they have purchased and seen it as a good investment. Here is an example.
One Week in peak season in a five star luxury resort by the sea. A One Bedroom Apartment sleep four with full facilities and sea view for a total of 40 years for just £6500Stg, that works out at an average price of £5.80Stg per person per night - In Peak Season. this price is Guaranteed to remain the same for 40 years. Then you have the maintenance fee which is payable on an annual basis which is in the region of £200Stg per week that one would own, this is payable every year till the expiry of the term. The increases in maintainence averages out at 2.8% per year which basically means that in 40years time you will be paying maintenance fee of around £580Stg per week and would have paid a total of Lm 14,000 in maintenance fees, add this to the original purchase price of £6,500 and you end up with a final bill for FOUR persons of £512 per week!!! Excluding the flights of course, but we all know abou the low cost flights nowadays and many bargains are out there to be bought. In a nutshell, you are guaranteed a price of £128Stg per person per week excluding food, in a luxury five star hotel for 40 years. Then you have the added benefits of being able to exchange your week with any other resort in the world, yes this exchange is subject to availability and you would need at least 3 options. Cannot take a holiday this year....no problem save your week and take two next year....
What is my point.....if yu have based your opinion of timeshare on the heresay of people who most probably have never been themselves, try it out for yourself and see what YOU think....you may kick yourself for not choosing the option before.....I leave the rest up to all of you to decide.....AGAIN EVERYBODY please this is just my Opinion....
Thanks and happy holidays
Instead of everybody knocking it because they are so gullible as to believe all the bad press, they would probably be amazed at how much of a good thing it is.
I think the people who knock it most are the ones who would buy it if they were to go on a presentation.
After my experience of timeshare quite recently I don't think I'll be ever considering it in the future. I think you've missed the point completely. I think what most people are annoyed about is being hassled constantly while on holiday and like me find myself avoiding certain areas. I can do without that.
Please understand that most people who visit Malta aren't that well off. Yes they can afford a holiday this year but with the employment situation in the UK as it is, who knows if they'll have a job next year? £6500 doesn't sound much and to some people it isn't, but to many people who visit Malta it's out of the question.
I was also amused to read that if I bought timeshare it would be for 40 years because I doubt if I'll still be alive then!
Bhm2trev- I think you missed the point too. If you knew a single fact about timeshare you would know you can leave it in your will.
have a lovely day all.....grey and cloudy here in Malta today but it should brighten up later in the afternoon

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