How many presentations have you been on? If the answer is None, then you should check it out before giving out unqualified advice.
We all have our own opinions!
Any company who doesn't do this is not worth getting involved with and they are the ones who give the industry a bad name.
You are quite right on this point. Never buy any Timeshare without a reasonable cancellation period that has no penalties!
It's a wonder people don't book from Travel Agents who give the same option.
Macca, Travel agents don't tie you in for 40 years
I think you're right. Please note how Macca67 goes on & on & on & on........zzzzzzzzz - Typical time share tout behaviour!
All reputable companies today have the mandatory 14 days cooling off period where a person who has signed any form of agreement can cancel with full refund and no expenses at all
I am not a timeshare tout just an owner who is sick of people like you slagging something you don't have the capacity to understand.
I bet when you have a conversation with your friends you accuse them of going on and on and on when they disagree with you.
If you have nothing constructive to say then just say nothing. I promise you we won't be offended.
And I hope Mark & Nicky are not high, but I'd like to say Hi.
In any business first impressions really count no matter what the long term benefits that service or product may have to a potential buyer, the first impression most people get in Malta of the timeshare business is the same boring sales scenario of reps lurking around in groups of 2 or 3 with clip boards waiting to pounce, and a very predictable, swaggering rep approaching you in the street with the same old drivel ie, "hi mate are you english" etc, in Malta this is generally that first impression I mentioned, is it any wonder that timeshare has such a bad reputation in Malta with this kind of approach and believe me that bad reputation has been well recognised by the government of Malta especially the enforcement directorate who are responsible for monitoring of the otc's, if any business or service any where in the world creates this kind of first impression then any right minded person would be mad to spend any money with them, the key to selling is that people generally buy if they like the product, the initial approach, the salesman, and if they feel comfortable and trusting towards him or her, but in my experience of timeshare sellers in Malta none of these atributes are and never have been visible.
I fail to understand your comment concerning 'High' but thanks for saying Hi.
Let's keep our comments constructive eh!
I'll be honest and say that my only experience of timeshare is the "touts" in the streets when on holiday. I have never been to a presentation as i'm not in the position to buy a timeshare.
I'm sure that decent timeshare companies have done a good job for their customers.
I think we are all just having a good moan about being hassled on holiday by people working for less reputable companies. They really are a pain and have been very rude and aggressive towards holiday makers. This isn't nice and does give the Timeshare industry a bad name.

They can be arrogant and the government should do more to control them. They are a pest if they persist after you have said no. However, their are a lot of friendly OPCs who, even when a fed up tourist takes their frustrations out on them because of another OPCs actions, will smile and say 'Have a nice holiday' and go onto the next couple.
If you really don't want to be hassled then tell the OPC that you just bought one and don't need another. If that fails then say you work for RCI or II and I'm sure they'll leave you alone. That's what I do and I never get hassled.
Happy holidays.
However for the topic to remain open and on the boards (which are viewed by visitors also) I must insist that everyone respects each others right to have a different view point and also request that you all remain civil to each other.
Continued bickering and arguements will result in the topic being removed.

I'm amazed you've not locked this topic already!
Macca67, thanks for the tip mate, never thought about telling these touts that I already owned a time share. Nice one - I'll try this tactic next time I'm in Malta.
ps. sorry about the on & on comment,
No probs Trev. Nice to have some lively debate.
If a time share costs £6500 for a 40 year lease for one week per year and if this apartment is sold for just 40 weeks a year then:
40 X 6500 = £260,000
If then there are 200 apartments sold on the same basis:
200 X 260000 = £52,000,000
Bearing in mind that the owners don't pay for the upkeep and charge the purchasers of the lease several hundred pounds per week, which I have no doubt goes up each year, this is not a bad little earner! Remember also that after 40 years the lease expires and ownership of the apartment week reverts back to the original owner to sell off again.
It's hardly any wonder therefore that selling timeshare is such big business. Just think that 6500 X 52 = £338,000 and I reckon you'd be able to buy quite a nice FREEHOLD property in Malta for that!
Quite a good calculation on that Trev but you have left out one very important critical point. That out of the 6500 per week, 50% of this is actually spent on Marketing. People coming over to visit the property and paying just £59Stg per person per week including taxes, accommodation in luxury 5 star hotel, flights and your 52,000,000 cannot quite be put down as being pure profit, then there are the expenses related to the construction of a property, the risk and the operational costs involved too which I assure are not cheap....furthermore, at the end of the day everybody works and people invest for a reason......and that is to make money....or am I wrong on this point!! The important thing at the end of the day is offering good value for money ....Have a lovely day all....sun is shining bright here in Malta with 24degress today.
That's quite a little earner for some people but I should imagine that only 12 weeks will be sold for £6500 with the other weeks being sold between £2500 to £6000.
Maybe we should form a cooperative and jump on this bandwagon

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