General Holiday Enquiries, Hints and Tips

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Hahaha lol I hope so! :-) I may be back later to tell you all I've booked!
Linzi lou, you will never have a relaxing holiday again!!!!!!
I was like you, just sunworshipped whole fortnight till Thomas came along. Yes, my hubbie and I took turns but most times he'd want us both in the pool with him. He's 12 now and this is the first year I've been able to sunbathe properly again. He made some friends and as the hotrel was only small, I always new where he was and he always told me where he was going to be.
Omg I didn't book it! Went to the revel
Agents got the price and everything said I'll
Think about it, then couldn't bring myself
To go back! because I'm scared to take my son on the bliming plane! not incase he makes
Noise etc but as I'm scared of flying, I'm
Scared to put him a potentially dangerous situation! Grrrrr

I've tried to find info out about France
Hols but I think to get to where it might be warm it will be a long long journey prob involving stopping over somewhere on the way.

I hate that I feel like this and can't believe I
Couldn't even book the hol yesterday! I don't want my son to never go abroad, not so lich now maybe bit deff when he's older when his friends will be etc

Our friends are also saying they want to come with us now aswell! I just feel crippled even though I know how safe it is etc it dosnt seem
To help much, I'm not bothered about myself it's my baby I'm worried for now!

Not expecting anyone to say anything just thought I'd give you an update!
If we can holiday with a 4 year old and 7 month old twins - you can do it with one lol ;) we did it the next year as well

My hubby isn't a big sun worshipper so was very good and would take twins off leaving me with the 4 year old to play in the kids pool or we'd be back in apartment and I'd sit and catch suns rays on the balcony while they had naptime.

Last year with the eldest 12 and twins 8...we could relax a wee bit but as much as I'd have liked to stick my Ipod on and shut my eyes, I can't switch off and you are watching them constantly in case they get into danger...therefore me and the hubby tend to take turns watching them but even then I'm still looking up to see if they are's the joy of being a parent!

Book your holiday, yes it will be different but you'll enjoy it all the same :cheers
linzi - have a read of the scared of flying thread :tup
Oh Linzi. What can I say but big hugs. You made a good step forward though by actually going into the TA in the first place. I dont like flying either but I do it because I know that my family need the break too and for me its a means to an end.

Try again and maybe take your friends up on their offer to come along. At least you will have support for the journey and another set of hands to help with the kids.

Good luck.
To go back! because I'm scared to take my son on the bliming plane! not incase he makes
Noise etc but as I'm scared of flying, I'm
Scared to put him a potentially dangerous situation!

if you are scared of flying then why drive/take a coach/train to France... you have more chance killing or injuring your child driving them to nursery/school [or being driven or even by taking the train] than you will ever have flying, the most dangerous part of any flight IS THE TRIP TO THE AIRPORT

Also if you have a phobia or dislike the worse thing you can do is show it to a child as they will take it as normal behaviour and follow suite, and then they will be saddled with the same problems for the rest of their lives

I can understand, I hate flying but my daughter (5yrs) LOVES it and laughs herself silly and her crazy Mummy gripping the seat in fear. I CANT hide it from her much as I know I should be thankfully she just thinks I'm mad! What I tell myself is the benefits of taking her abroad more than makes up for the fear of flying.
rachaelb44 wrote:
I hate flying but my daughter (5yrs) LOVES it and laughs herself silly and her crazy Mummy gripping the seat in fear

Oh that is so me :D The only difference is my daughter is almost 8 now. She even makes sure im sat next to her so she can hold my hand :yikes I dont like flying, but she does so I dont agree that they will copy your behaviour all of the time HOWEVER, I was very good at hiding it when she was little so maybe that helped :que
Arrr thanks everyone I'm Thinking about booking again now, my friend has a little boy the same age as mine (their friends) so it would be nice for them and she has no fear of flying and they do
It often, so maybe that might help. they want to go
For 2 weeks though and we only wanted 11 days, it's not much more to
Go 2 weeks, I just thought it's a long time really and we like to have time when we get home to wind down an get in gear for work. Maybe if we went Saturday to Saturday we'd have the Sunday off before work. But maybe I'd be ok comin back once I've been there.
hi ....we went with siesta and stayed in thier mobile year my niece and husband came too, bringing thier toddler....we had hired a travel cot from was a good size...and we put it on its lowest level.....we used to put it on the patio outside the mobile home in the shade....put loads of toys in it ....he loved it and we all got some chill out time taking turns putting back the toys he threw out....dont know if you can take a travel cot with you....or hire one for your stay....they can be bought quite cheaply...maybe buy one from a market then leave it for someone else ...or sell it on ....tweetie
Hi thanks we will be hiring a travel cot they do motercare ones at the hotel, there is achoice of a cot or a travel cot. I've decided the travel cot as it can be doubled up as a play pen like you say, if he will stay in it that is!
Travel cot is a sensible idea.....some cots in hotels/apartments are quite literally death traps (I know becos' we had first-hand experience that first holiay with our twins) and as you say, it doubles as a playpen so you know he's safe when he's in it.

As for your fear of flying....could you use an Ipod or other MP3 player? This worked brilliantly for my eldest who has a real phobia after we experienced turbulence a few years back...he literally gripped his Dad's hand from take off to landing. Last year we tried him with an Ipod and he was really calm so much so that this year have bought them all 4th gen Nano's so they can watch some newly released films and/or listen to music on the flight. :)
Thanks, i will try anything! I've got an mp3 player so will take that we have a portable
DVD player for j, maybe I'll be busy concentrating on him it might go quickly, hopefully! when i put the thought of getting there to the back of my mind, I can look forward to it.

I looked at the website for Manchester airport te other day and saw just how many flights were coming and going, it must have been 150 odd arriving and 200 odd departing for that day and that was just manchester airport, so that slightly helped put it
Into perspective.

I always so look forward to going on hol, love getting things ready, planning and shopping etc I hope I can this time too!
read all the tips on the fear of flying pages.
my partner was terrified of flying, but we got her paul mckenna fear of flying cd and this really did work for her.
you can get downloads for various types of gadget as well as a cd or a dvd.
it is definitely well worth the money.
Reply can put the travel cot between the sun loungers you and hubby are lying on....just make sure the umberellas shade him too....tweetie
Well I went in to book it and I couldn't as they wanted the whole amount upfront with it been 12 weeks untill we go, an I just havnt got the money. So all's I can do is save the money and check if its still available when I've got it, after all that aswell.....
We used to try and get three sunbeds and position them into a triangle so it was like a little play area. Bag of lego, colouring book and crayons kept our little one entertained in the shade for ages. All the other children used to hover round to and join in. It was like a little creche!! Lol :cheers
Ive been quiet lucky on my hols my husband cant stand the sun for so long so he takes the little one for a walk then comes back 2 hours later and the young one has had a good sleep, last year in turkey she was just over 2 so we woulld go for breakfast about 10 have a couple of hours in the pool then hubby would take her to room to have a sleep for a couple of hours, i used to offer to stay at the room and sit at the balcony but he always says im with her all day at home so he should spend all his time with her, so my holidays do feel relaxed until my 11 year old girl and 15 year old boy start arguing, my 3 year old little girl is much easier on holiday and cant wait to go in a week.
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