Yes, superb thread - one of the best I've read. By the way Robbie, how did you manage to get hold of so many haloes? They didn't fall off the back of a lorry by any chance.
By the way Robbie, how did you manage to get hold of so many haloes? They didn't fall off the back of a lorry by any chance.
Don't know what you mean


Or in this instance what is one to make of a man that owns up to being dishonest and would encourage someone else to not tell the truth in order to gain a financial advantage but appears to pride himself on not being a liar :-) And appears to believe that anybody else who says they're honest and would tell the truth about the mistake made by the travel agent can't possibly be telling the truth about what they'd do in that situation and therefore must liars!
I'm afraid I can't get my head around that one and feel sad that I now appear to live in a world where saying you'd behave honourably and honestly makes you a liar but saying that you'd behave dishonestly doesn't make you a liar. Presumably, Robbyw, you think that owning up to being knowingly dishonest is somehow more moral than being honest in the first place!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm not a liar, and that's what matters most to me.
Me too Robby, I wear my halo with pride

Excellent post SM

SM, I know where you are coming from, but for me anyway, there is a big difference from taking advantage of a situation and going out to deliberately cheat someone. I would not be able to resist the temptation to have gone "with the flow" in this example, along with many others who may have not responded to this thread. I would have waited until they asked for the balance, and then paid the amount, but still hoping for a result - it's maybe a weakness, but I can only tell the truth. I'm a big believer in the "law of averages", and it all evens out in the end - for some anyway
I feel even sadder at the thought that in the 'real world' discussion and serious consideration of issues of integrity, honesty and truth are seen as being 'philosophy cr4p'. If this is where 'going with the flow' takes us then I'm glad to be trying to swim against the tide. I always knew that halo would come in useful one of these days - I just never expected that I'd need it as a lifebelt :-)
I cannot understand why anyone should wish to attempt to avoid paying the correct amount. If it had been the other way, that having paid the TO said they had not received it I am sure that you would be quick to tell them you had.
At the end of the day it's theft whichever way you giftwrap it and try to justify your actions - they WILL discover their error at some point and quite frankly their error or not it's not going to look good on you if you've knowingly taken a holiday you haven't paid for.
I'm no saint but I have a conscience that would not let me sleep at night ot rest during the day if I was in this position, said nothing and took the holiday!
that is of course if you have a conscience to begin with (and I'm not being funny when I say that).
Well I think it's funny

At the end of the day it's theft whichever way you giftwrap it
You see it different to me, the T/A made a mistake, and why should the purchaser have to point out the mistake ??? Nobody set out to "thieve" anything, an error was made.
I'm no saint but I have a conscience that would not let me sleep at night ot rest during the day if I was in this position
That's more like it, it's about bottle - some have it, some don't.

it's about bottle - some have it, some don't.
Well if that's the case I'm glad I don't have any, does it make me any less of a person, I don't think so

Does it make you less of a person, of course it doesn't, you no doubt have high moral standards - well done. But their are very honest people, and those who would like to be honest - WANNABEES.
But to suggest someone is a thief in the above reply, I cannot understand. I can understand people saying they would or would not confess, but can't understand people "slagging" others off, especially when no doubt these people have erred in the past - we all have.
Long live this thread,

I am now closing the topic, otherwise we will still be discussing it when we are going next year.
Kath HT Admin

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