I'm not sure if you want some constructive advice or whether you just wanted to vent your frustration on the site. If the former, I'm sure Steve will be able to help. I've used TR on many occasions (including when XL went bust) and he came up trumps.
Hope this is of help to you.
Here's the link to the thread Shirley has mentioned:-
Thank you to Shirley & the HT administrator who took time to reply to my post. I am upset and frustrated at the way we were treated but would welcome help with my claim. So Steve from TR would you look into this matter for me. I am not asking for anymore than the amount of the transfer cost for being moved to a hotel further down the coast. The cost was £108.23 more as the company I booked with, Holiday Taxis via Jet2 website, did not offer a shuttle bus transfers to Peurto Banus only taxis. I did try for cheaper transfers but all said I was too late, it was by this time less than 24 hours before departure. I had to accept the taxi. I made several long distance calls to Holidays Taxis, several more to TR as they didnt call back after delivering the bombshell that we had been moved, until I called them and insisted they call me back at a certain time, which they did. I could be claiming for the cost of these calls and my time spent dealing with this. Thankfully I was off work the two days prior to the holiday, had I been at work, in school with 169 kids to care for the story would have been very different. It was stressful enough to deal with whilst at home. I provided all the paperwork to TR with my letter of complaint and as I said they have replied quote "note your dissatisfaction in relation to your booking with Serhs arranged through TR". My booking was with Travel Republic (ACM2284463), my payment was to Travel Republic, the confirmation is headed Travel Republic, which I regard as a legally binding agreement with Travel Republic therefore Travel Republic should accept responsibilty and make the refund, I should not have to wait for any agreement from Serhs, thats for TR to do. The holiday was OK and the hotel Rincon Andaluz wasnt bad but it wasnt what I booked, more like a 3* than a 4*, and having stayed 4 times previous at the Marbella Playa, the last time booked with TR in 1998, I spent the entire holiday comparing hotels. Any help with my problem would be gratefully accepted.
He may prefer the option of dealing with this privately with you; you can always tell us what he was able to do for you on the board, and at least he'll know that he has a pm rather than having to scroll down through the thread.
Hope all works out well for you.
TR act as agent not tour operator, so your contract would be with whoever they booked your flights and accomodation through, not actually with TR.
Who are sehrs?
I presumed the OP is referring to Sehrs Tourism who I think are a Spanish company and provide a bed-bank service.
In which case I take it they are suppliers to TR so I would agree the complaint is against TR directly as the OP says.
I thought that TR acted as an agent and that their T&c's state that the contract is directly with the service provider?
The original poster hasn't made enough posts to use the pm facility.
Ah OK. Perhaps the mods and admin can help if the OP wants to send a pm.
I think Steve from Travel Republic (steved1) sometimes makes the initial PM contact with new members as he realises they are unable to do so. I will add a note in the main Travel Republic topic which Glynis has linked to above, alerting Steve to this one. However, I have no idea whether he is perhaps on holiday or just snowed under following the collapse of Goldtrail, Sun4U and Kiss Flights, but Steve hasn't been active on the forums for just over a month now. Hopefully he might be back with us soon.
I have submitted 3 postings in reply to latest postings received but they dont appear to be showing
Hi KOv5522 ... nothing has been removed or deleted from this thread. You only have 3 posts so far on your account and all are shown above. Is it possible that you might have clicked Preview rather than Submit ?
Right here goes will try again. Thanks for help from replies/postings to my problem. Sehrs Tourism is the company in Spain TR use to book hotels. They are referred to on the confirmation sent when booking. I spoke to a lady called Alex at TR when I rang to explain my extra transfer fee and to ask if TR would reimburse me and she told me to write to them on my return from hol and they would try their best to have Serhs reimburse me. TR should be reimbursing me. I booked with TR in good faith, I paid my dep on 13.1.10 and balance on 6.5.10. They would have been the ones asking me for payment had I not fulfilled my side of the contract by not paying on time. I wonder what would have happened had we refused to accept the change and turned up at the Marbella Playa and presented our original accomodation voucher. In retrospect perhaps this is what we should have done. Unfortunately when you are given less than 48 hours notice you tend to accept things you wouldnt normally accept to save that longed for holiday. Maybe TR should have offered to arrange tranfers. There are loads of ways to look at this. If Steve turns up and wishes to contact me by phone he should be able to retrieve my contact details form my booking, ref given in previous posting. If TR resolve this problem satisfactorily I will post the outcome, if they dont then I will refer the matter to ABTA. Either way I will keep posting.
In the event that Steve may not be available to read your posts here, I think that all you can do meantime is allow Travel Republic the 28 days to investigate and respond to your letter of complaint, and then let us know the outcome.
I have received a reply from Travel Republic yesterday. They have said "Travel Republic acts as an agent for travel companies who are responsible for providing travel services in accordance with their contract with the customer. All aspects of your holiday are classed as separate entities so therefore they all derive a separate provider and reference number". I booked my transfers with another company & therefore know it is separate so why they bothered to tell me this I do not know. The letter goes on to say they have sent my correspondence onto Serhs who have responded with an offer of a "free hotel stay of 3 nights in the Costa Del Sol (to confirm by us)" for 2 people between 1/11/10 to 22/12/10 or between 2/1/11 to 31/3/11 except 12/2/11. As I work in the education sector I cannot take holidays in term timed and therefore, even if I wanted to accept their offer I couldnt and the dates are during term time. I have written back to them today advising them of my holiday situation and have stressed again that to resolve this problem they need to reimburse me with the £108.23, the fee incurred because they changed my hotel less than 48 hours before travel. I have given them 28 days (24.9.10) after which I will refer the matter to ABTA. I am not asking for any compensation just the amount I am out of pocket. Should I have to involve ABTA them I think I may request some form of compensation over & above the extra cost for the transfer. Will keep you posted.
Hold on to that offer. If they have offered you something it can be regarded as an admission of liability and should stregthen your cases for compensation.
I agree Luci it can, depending on the wording that they used. The offer is from Serhs as they have the contract, not TR, so I still think it was unfair to blame TR for this problem.

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