hi, talking about clothes pegs, reminded me of something that happened a few years ago to me at the airport. remember it was in the days of when you could put practically anything in your hand luggage. I put my very packed holdall of hand luggage on the converyor belt to go through the xray, i duly walked on through the normal doorframe scanner and was stopped to have my holdall searched. A few more security men turned up and stood behind the security officer that was checking my bag. I was really worried by now and frantically trying to think what on earth had i packed. it was all a bit embarrassing as out came enough medicines to open a chemist, sweets, toiletries, radio and goodness knows what else, and there at the bottom of my bag was the culprit. A PACK OF CLOTHES PEGS. !! they were the old wooden ones with the metal spring and 36 of them all pegged on a bit of cardboard. Going through the scanner they looked like a cache of bullets!! well the security guard held them up and just gave me a stern look. how embarrased was I.

So if you do take pegs, pack them in your suitcase or make sure they are loose in bag. - dotty