I always mean to post a report when I get back......but always have other things to do....so we have decided to do an ongoing report so here goes! we are going for a month so it could be a long one!
Day 1
left at 2.30am temperature -1 and make it to LHR in good time, flying with Qatar and it is the first day they fly from T4 and we are the first to check in....quick and fairly painless....plane on time food and entertainment good.....did not serve alcohol until afternoon tea arrived in Doha at 5.30 pm...... temperature in Doha 70+ duty free good and there are a few resturants and free wifi caught up with e-mails and the time passed quicly and we were soon boarding for our onward flight food and entertainment again good and the three hour flight passed quickly......customs and baggage pickup also quick picked up the cab (920rps) from outside and were soon on our way to Lucia's in Candolim...arriving at 4.46am distribution of pressies, toast and a coffee, and then a nap!!!
Day 2
woke up lunchtime then decided to sort out scooters sim cards etc.....hopped on the bus to calangute 5rps.....good to see what had moved/closed/changed etc...
went to the SS communication shop and picked up an Idea sim card you need a photocopy of your visa and yourpassport picture page as well as a mug shot photo....550 rps for a sim card 360rps credit....and 30 free text messages.....picked up scooters..after a bit of haggling...150rps per day
exchange rate at the shoe shop in Calangute 71rps to the £
ordered a take away from the Indian Handi very dissaponted average to say the least!
early to bed.........
Day 3
woke to a very strange sound.....rain the first time we have seen rain in Goa...when it had cleared we decided to go to out to the beach to visit our local shack Bay Watch....no shack....no Victor...No Godfrey....no beach.....completly gone..washed away....the ship now has a hole from one side to the other and the top is leaning at a funny angle. The elephants that cost a fortune last year have washed away, the beach what's left of it does look better without the black lumps on....such a shame its just dissapearing...we both felt quite sad
in the afternoon we returned to Calangute to pick up a dongle for internet access for the laptop..... quite easy...we have a idea net setter 1999rps then you can top it up with credit .....700rps for 30 day unlimited acess, little slow but hayho were on holiday!!!
had lunch at Daves place not bad..... bus back the good thing about the rain less dusty....bad things dodge the puddles!! bus back to the Guest house!!
just got back from Tony's Place in Candolim lovely meal...spoilt slightly by the old girl chain smoking 6 fags under the "No Smoking " sign!!
we were very sad when Chris and Alfi could not come to Goa for the new year....so they would not feel left out we have brought a mini-Chris and Alfi with us....so Chilli can you add them to the meets!!!
Anyway now got to plan what we are doing tomorrow
Love Trina and Andy
Thanks for popping in Trina and Andy
Hey Trina & Andy,
This afternoon we were brave enough to venture out on the scooters...complete with our new bash hats (crash helmets) they are quite distinctive...and those of you that know me know I quite like a hat! Honeybee sped off...I took it at a gentle pace in fact I got overtaken by a push bike!!! Drove past LinB woohooed her....Not sure if she recognised me!!
This evening we went to Mama Cecelia Beach Shack by Bobs Inn for dinner with one of the salvage team members who are removing the River Princess ....seems to think work will commence shortly.... good evening.....back home....and now to bed!
p.s. make sure those of you that are coming out soon to get plenty of mozzie stuff they are out in droves!!!
Trina and Andy -x-
Brilliant Trina

Hope you got a good scooter. That's some serious bargaining too - if you used Vaman!!! He normally has 'near new' models....all shiny and 40km on the 'clock'

Keep it coming.
Day 5 (forgot what day it was!!!)
I made a brithday cake for Lucia who owns the guest house...bought a ready made sponge..was going to bake one then Lucia remembered she had given her oven away!!!! Andy went out on the scooter...he was waiting for our goan friend Florence when a "Holy" man came along playing a flute....he decided to give him the 10rps he had in his pocket....took the 10rps out a 100rps note also fell out the wind caught it and it flew off...... closely follwed by the "holy" man who put on a great turn of speed to get it!!! will we see him in the 2012 olympics!!!
we were invited to go and meet Florences parents in the afternoon for tea.....we then had a drive out on the scooters, over the Nerul bridge went to the petrol station on the LHS on that road filled up with petrol 53rps litre - 160rps to fill up!!
On the way home "found" Top Nosh which has moved from the main road..now in a side lane just past the "T" junction to Panaji towards Siquerium (Tony's is now here) and is just a few yards along on the LHS.
Went to Jumbalaya, met Chilli Mike BrenLiz and Dragon and barbie and Clifton-who gives the best hugs in the world!!!...... loads of others "Bluesmania" was playing.......Little chris and Alfi came too and were a hit with everyone....they were on the stage with bluesmania who was really good !!!!,drinking and smoking to excess...and had more pics taken of them than Bollywood stars!!!!
had a stroll home on the lovely new pavement allbeit a bit like a rollercoaster in parts complete with metal poles in the block paving and electricity posts dotted in the middle,it sort of petered out by the Stone house..........
Had a text mesage from "Big" Chris and Alfi saying "Little" Chris and Alfi are now on Facebook!!!!!

Quite warm today the locals are complaining that it is cold!
it was freezing!!!

keep it coming!! and what a night with Little Chris and Alfi being such huge celebrities!!! hilarious fun!!

Little Chris n Alfi are amazing. Although judging by the pictures on Facebook they are both severly hung over

We didn't do an awful lot yesterday but here goes..........
Day 6......It was Lucia's Birthday so we put up some "happy Birthday" banners gave her her pressies .......Honeybee had some "homework" to finish so he was doing that on the veranda..... Lucia and I got a taxi to the local hospital (her son is not well) to visit....it seems strange as Lucia has to pack up and take in food for him as it is not provided at the hospital....the hospital was fairly clean and the nurses all are in uniforms with hats....like in the UK many years ago, on the way went past Joe the undertaker near Calengute.....new Hearst....all sign written.....but a White Suzuki wagon......but if you were over 5'6" I am sure the coffin would not fit in the back!!!!!
Lucia was having a get together for her birthday and that her son was coming home from hospital a few of the neighbours popped in and helped Lucia prepare food (her mother died in September so as she is officially in mourning she cannot prepare food for these sort of occasions.....she also has to dress in black and white for a year....
Then followed a steady stream of people popping in with pressies and for a slice of cake....at one point honey bee swore half of Goa were in the kitchen !!!
Then Joseph and Andy started on the Honeybee.....
Went on the bus to Baga.....took little Chris and Alfi too.....while waiting for the bus occosted by a time share guy on a scooter quite unusual as they normally Indian this guy was English soon sent him on his way!!! normal bus journey.....got off at "Hell Hole" roundabout in Calengute and walked down the Baga road to catch the bus to Baga.....further two time share guys they were soon sent packing too!!! Arrived at Baga creek and went on the beach.......bit overwhelming with the amount of beach sellers....lots of "No Thank you's" and "Makka Naka's".....had a really persistent little girl selling peanuts...who took a real shine to Little Chris and Alfi..."Can I have"..."No"....."Please"......"No"......"Can I have"..."No"....."Please"......"No"......"Can I have"..."No"....."Please"......"No"......"Can I have"..."No"....."Please"......"No"......"Can I have"..."No"....."Please"......"No"......"Can I have"..."No"....."Please"......"No"...
it was pester power to the max!!!! took Little C & A's picture with the life guard had a quick drink at the Bistro shack and back onto the bus to Apora.....
Elvis is not dead......well at least the Indian version is not....he was on the bus!!!! he had sooo much bling and diamantes!!! and diamond crusted sunglasses..... then there was the guy with the hairiest ears we have ever seen....you could have plaited them!!!
Got chucked off the bus at Apora.....hadn't realised we had arrived!!! had a walk round and had lunch at Princes Resturant, really nice 300rps for both of us.....also heard something quite unusual....a russian party talking in english to the waiter....and saying thank you!!!!
back in the bus to Siquarium.
Love the report! Thank You!!
I love you your report, there's no mention of "Sister Assumpta" or Josephs "Ginger Nuts" are they still hanging round the guest house this year?
We are not able to get to Goa this year Joseph & Lucia will tell you why, but we are very envious of you, Andy and your exploits
I have just emailed Joseph will you ask to check it out, (I know how frugal he is with the internet) And if you see Godfrey & Victor say hi for us
.....as for ginger nuts nuts.....well they have certainly got larger....joseph still insists on calling him her!!!
we bumped into Geoffrey/godfrey/victor this afternoon....the whole area where their shack was last year is gone, and they did not apply for a licence anyway....and the waves that are coming in from the sea are almost big enough to surf on!!! next doors shack is being built on stilts!!!!
we are still reeking havoc around the area and just getting ready for the HT meets
Love Trina, Andy little chris and Alfi -x-x-x-x-
Hi Trina, Andy little chris and Alfi this is good fun reading this please keep us all posted with everything you get up to in Goa ..I love reading reports ...colleen
went to the beach for sunset....took some pictures with little chris and alfi telling a story of their exploits in Goa.....we have called it ....currynation street......its on facebook- little chris and alfie fan page went to calamari for a drink then home for a shower
went to the moved Top Nosh for dinner had a delicious chateubriand steak 550rps they are in a side road badman Vaddo - by Friends restuant/bar almost opposite Horizons
slow walk home.....then had a call from "Big Chris and Alfi"
Day 8
On a mission today took more photos for little chris and alfi's adventure, and e-mailed them off to them..then went to one of lucia's friends who invited us to see her radishes in her garden....of course that included lunch of king fish curry, we have decided that if you say "no" to a Goan they take it as yes, and if you say just a little you get half a bucket full!!! lovely though!!
went to calengute on the scooters to change some money rate at the shoe man 70.2 rps he must have thousands under his little desk!!!!
took little chris and alfi to baskin Robbins for an ice-cream the staff had their pictures taken with them
back home for a shower and off to the carvery met up with brenliz split the dragons chilly,meagain etc....
taxi home contemplating tomorrows agenda!!!
I see you've posted a pic Trina...
Sounds like you are all having a great time, how I wish I was still there, looking forward to more of your adventures.
Keep up the good work Trina and Andy.
Chris and Alfi x x x x x x

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