Here we go again, my turn at the keyboard this time though. Sorry for the delay, our modem packed in and we have had to scrounge round the family to find another one. In this part of the report, dates, times, people, places etc start to get a little hazy due to too much Honey Bee, Gin, Vodka and sun coupled with a bad memory!
Part two
Not even sure if the events of the next 2 days are in the right order!
Feb 12th
One of those days that got lost in transit somewhere! Went to Bernard's place for breakfast, yummy as usual. We think we then just chilled out for most of the day by the pool. One thing we do remember was GC had this great idea for an experiment. The idea was, to go to the bar at the hotel, have a G&T (him) and a Vodka and coke (me) get the receipt and do the same in a restaurant and then a local bar so that we could directly compare prices. Easy or what? So at 7pm (ish) we had our drinkies at the bar, paid, got the receipt and off we went to East meets West. Had a fab Italian meal, it was the first time we had tried pasta at East meets West and it was very good. When the bill came, GC wrote the prices of the drinks on the back of the receipt from the hotel and off we went in search of a local bar. I think we ended up at Poojar bar (sp?) at Arpora before returning to the hotel. It was then that we realised that the bit of paper was missing, GC said he thinks he may have used it to write his e-mail address on for one of the Russians we were talking to at the bar. End of day 3, end of experiment!
Feb 13th
The pair of us had mass hangovers so we pretended to enjoy sunbathing for a few hours while drinking gallons of water. GC said we should try to repeat the experiment, arrrrrg!!!! We have been racking our brains about the next bit. We are pretty certain we ended up in All spice and Louise T was there. We also met a guy from the Virtual Tourist web site called Steve (Blu Blu Blu). GC has had quite a bit of banter over the net with Steve over the last couple of years and it was great to finally meet him. GC and Steve got on like a house on fire and the experiment ended up been forgotten about.

While we were at All Spice we booked a table for Thursday (15th) for GC's birthday.
14th Feb
More time lost in transit. No mention of experiment.
Went to Lazy Days for something to eat and for the meet up. The waiter put us on a table in the garden area and GC signed us in on the blackboard and put arrows at the side of our names pointing towards the table. Not long after that Gemma33 arrived, staggering all over, brandishing an almost empty Honey Bee bottle, singing at the top of her voice (he made me put that in Gemma

). Seriously though, we finished our dinner and went and sat with Gemma and her hubby Ian and had a good old giggle. Rob and one of his new volunteers (little Ian) also turned up. We had a relatively early night, everything was taking it's toll and we were shattered.
15th Feb
Goan Crazy's birthday!
At this point I had intended to hand the keyboard back to GC but he might not report the evenings events properly, you will see what I mean when you read on.
I had packed all GC's cards in the cases so he opened them before we went for breakfast. Among the usual mick taking/embarrassing cards were some that contained money. I asked him what he was going to do with the money, he said that it would pay for the research element of the experiment, grrrrrrrrrr

. I pointed out that the experiment would end the same way as the other attempts but he wanted to do it the other way round i.e. starting off at a bar and ending up at the hotel. I didn't fancy going to a bar so GC rounded up some other Marinha Dourada regulars and went on a bar hunt at about 12:30pm. Actually it was nice to get some peace and quiet and to get my own back I ran him up a bar bill by trying some nice, expensive cocktails. He arrived back a few hours later, slightly worse for wear, not knowing where he had been and with no idea how much a G&T cost, end of research!
GC likes to have his birthday meal at All Spice and we have been there for the last 3 years on his birthday. Last year everything was normal until Vinnie brought a bill to the table and said "sorry sir, you have an unpaid bill from last time". GC opened the bill wallet with a red face and inside was a birthday card from the staff. They also brought a cake to the table and played happy birthday over the Hi Fi. Vinnie explained that Steve (Blu) had found GC's date of birth on the VT site and e-mailed him with the details. We expected that this year would be different and it was!
We had booked our table for 7:30pm and by 7:45 the place was heaving as usual. After our meal, GC asked the waiter if he needed our table as there was quite a queue of people waiting. The waiter said it was ok then disappeared only to reappear 2 mins later with our bill. The bill turned out to be a birthday card of course but then something strange happened. One of the taxi drivers from the MD that we use on a regular basis called Sham turned up with a birthday cake and a bunch of flowers. The sight of a man giving another man flowers turned a few heads I can tell you!

Steve then appeared with a camera and took some photos. If you find yourself in All Spice, have a good look at the pictures on the wall, you might just see a pic of us with Sham and a bunch of flowers.
Well, that's it from me for now, depending how much effort GC puts into part 3 (probably not much) I will be doing part 4.