We did that trip back in 2002 with airtours(i think) it cost us about £60 then each but i can honestly say its one of the best trips we've ever done in Goa.
We have been trying to remember the name of the town(UDUPI) Where there was a festival in full swing going on theres a temple where we were shown round by the priests in orange robes you have to take your shoes off and leave them outside the temple everyone has too light a candle and the heat reflected of all those candles is incredible it was wonderful.Outside there was a elephant leading the procession you gave him a coin on the tip of his trunk and he put it in a money box.There was a very large float pulled by the elephant round the square and everyone followed it.You were invited to eat food from the temple which all the locals provided.
The sanctuary where the elephants were bought and retrained(rogue) lots had scars from people who had injured them shot wounds,detusked,chains that had cut deep into their legs, some were bought to the camp on a daily basis fed,groomed,bathed, and then walked back into the jungle where they were free to go their own way till the next morning and they would return to be led back to the sanctuary to start all over again it was marvelous.
The tiger trail i could'nt believe how big their tigers are we were took round in a large jeep like truck which i hasten to say was all caged in and we saw a lot of deer which they breed to feed the tigers.
The railway journey i thought was tiring and dusty,the seats were rock hard and after sitting on them for 4-5 hrs you know about it.Our seats were already allocated when we booked the trip with our rep and on getting on the train there was 2 indians in orange gear not sure if they were priests sitting in our seats our rep went over to them and made them move they sat on the steps of the train all the journey i felt awful.
The chai boys came round all the while asking you if you wanted TEA and sandwiches.Then you got the railway people who scurry under your seats trying to clean the floors. It was a very memorable experience i'm glad we went i'll always remember it...