I believe that plumbud does have it right.
It is the Tax that has been increased by 30%, NOT the TOTAL price of alcohol!

It is 30% of the TOTAL cost of alcohol. posted a snipper from same newspaper, hope mods dont mind.
This article does not reflect reality on the street. Raki 70 cl is now 53 TL from 36 TL. 30% increase. A bottle of Angora wine which was 19 TL is now 25 TL (it was already too high at 19). My local bakkal where I buy these showed me his price list from his distributor. It is a 30% increase on the TOTAL COST not just in the tax amount. Misleading !!
I see how you read that ludden but is it 30% of the total cost. price hikes which ever way you look at it are crazy when peeps are having to budget. so why do it now?

blinking sad if you ask me. one of the appeals of turkey was the prices but now theyre dearer than the eu peeps will need to look at other places.
agreed yes a major attraction to turkey was the cheap prices,however the friendly people and fantastic service are also a contributing factor to the popularity of the country.Sadly as we have learnt slowly over the years there is no such thing as a free lunch in some areas of turkey.It has already been mentioned in an earlier post on this topic that the charm of the resort workers can sometimes be financially based,so when all us brits are feeling the squeeze and perhaps not spending like we once did the cat in my opinion will be well and truly placed amongst the pidgeons.I am only speaking from things i have seen and heard in one particular area of turkey and i am aware thet it is a very large country and things may play a little differently in other areas,but i stand by my personal opinion that the gameplan of some resort workers is to make as much para out of us sherifciz(sp??) yabancis as quickly as possible and by whatever means they can.Personally we will always return to turkey at least once a year because all negative feelings aside we have a lasting fondness for the place,but i have long since taken off my rose tints and can see some things for what they are.
ÅŸerefsiz Idris Elba, though I'm not quite sure why you are saying foreign tourists are dishonorable
sorry not made that post entirley clear,i was repeating what i have heard some resort workers call us brits its not my personal opinion,i was actually quite annoyed when I was told what it meant after all without us dishonorable brits some resorts would literally close.I afraid my spelling and punctuation are bad enough in english never mind turkish (the small amount i actually know)
sherifciz yabancis is bang out of order man
The information I read was from Bloomberg which states is according to the Official Gazette, Ankara.
I would be pretty peeved if I heard someone sy that too, after all if it wasn't for us "dishonorable" tourists then they would be out of work! Also if they feel that way then to work for such people must surely dishonour them too
Newspapers don't always get it right - especially when it gets lost in translation. The most accurate information is that which comes from the horses mouth - and both Turks and visitors will tell you what the TRUE increases are. Prices have risen a LOT, and that's a fact. And they're about to rise even more.
As for the general friendliness of resort workers, it should be obvious to most people that it's in the workers' interests to go out of their way to befriend you. That's their job - and that's where they make money and tips. I think the reason some Turks are letting the mask slip is that fewer people have as much money to spend as they once did, and with the rising prices in Turkey, it's become even more difficult for holidaymakers to dine out as frequently as they once did. Which means less money for the workers; hence their resentment at holidaymakers. It's very wrong of them to insult people, and I'm sure not all of them are like that, but it must leave a nasty taste in the mouth when you feel you've been insulted for no reason except for not wanting to eat in their establishment.
Hi, wasn't saying whether this information was right or wrong. was just saying where I had read it, but I would like to point out that I have just read on Hurriyet that the extra tax will mean an OVERALL price rise of between 4% and 12.5% on alcoholic drinks,and up to 30%TAX increase on high-alcohol drinks eg raki, gin & vodka. Just curious as to where the information has come from that drinks prices will rise by nearly 30%, as we heard all sorts of stories about price hikes on food & drinks this year, but found prices to be quite reasonable when we actually got there.
I had heard a price rise of 4% - 12.5% too so I was surprised to hear people saying 30%
Have been talking to friend who lives in marmaris there has been no price rise on alcohol as yet so fingers Crossed efes remains 5 lire etc etc all will be revealed in time
Sadly folks its allready been explained how they hide that rise. they add it on other stuff so you dont notice. prob been doin it for some time coz thats why the overall bill is much more. crafty.
For those people who thought I was making up my stories of out of season drinking. I can assure you I have seen it. Several of my friends are married or in relationships with Turkish men who live all year round in several small resorts. They are not young waiters from the east, they were born in these resorts and are older. Sadly these men are very heavy drinkers and more than one couple I know have divorced over it. They sit around in small groups and drink heavily and then go home to sleep it off. They are more likely to do this in the winter months as there is very little work for them. If they are employed during the summer season they tend not to drink as much as they are busy.
bad news im afraid,relatives have just returned from bodrum having spent bayram there,an efes was 10 lire!!!!! i hope this was an increase due to bayram ,a glass of red wine was also 10 lire and a raki also 10, a small coke was 4.50 theese prices are based on two different establishments, one of them being along the marina which i accept is slightly more expensive,.The prices in the few bars that have remained open in icmeler are the same as they have been all year likewise marmaris so fingers crossed it may have just been a bodrum/bayram thing .
Before i go off on a rant i do love turkey and it`s people.
But for several years now i have been getting the feeling that we are not as welcome as we once were.
this year we have visited paris london rome and monaco as well as dalyan and have found the most expensive place by a fair distance was turkey. thats not to say that you could not eat and drink on the cheap you could but why should you penny pinch while on your hols unless you want to?
that said we have booked to go back to dalyan next year but i do fear that it may be our last for a while as there are better value destinations out there i.e africa and india even egypt all of these destinations will compete for your business this does not appear to be the way in turkey very much any more,
It is such a shame that prices in our most precious destination may well see us and others turn our back and go elsewhere.

I will try to find out from some people who live there all year round what prices are looking like through the winter out of interest.
thanks for that kedi,the irony of all this is i wouldnt really begrudge paying a little over the odds on bodrum marina i find it slightly more upmarket the bars are nicer on the whole and not just some little shack thrown together with graffiti and english football shirts all over the walls ,not that i have a problem with this but i would be a bit p****D off if they expected £4.30 a pint/glass of wine(god do i sound like hyacinth boucket)
A pint of beer in Paris (especially near to the Eiffel tower) was in excess of £6 -NOT 6 euro- £6 a pint!! Pub food was really expensive and as for eating in a restaurant forget it............. We went for the weekend and spent nearly £500.............
Have stayed for a week in Dalyan for a lot less spending money than that!!!
Been following this thread with interest and I showed it to my sister in law who came over from istanbul for a weeks hols, (my husband is turkish) and she said herself that after looking at the price of things over here from food, drinks, and clothing we are very much chaper than turkey overall, the days of cheap holidays to turkey are well and truly over. I myself have been going to turkey for over 20 years and I too have been all over the country. my husband and I have been noticing the changes in prices and attitudes of the turks for about 5 years now. he even warned his friends about the prices saying people wont want to pay, but their attitudes are tourists can afford it, if we can afford a holiday we can afford the turkish prices. they don't seem to grasp the concept that people can go to the likes of spain and only travel a couple of hours to get to their destintion and pay the same or less instead of paying over the odds for goods and less hassle of travelling for a 4 and a half hours plus

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