I think VC 2 would suit your family well. What you have to remember is that as a private complex, all the apartments are let privately or have the owners resident. This creates a community spirit and a mutual respect for each other. Can"t comment on what it is like in the peak summer months as we tend to visit either springtime or winter but we have never been disturbed of a night with any rowdiness or the like. If you are on your balcony late on you will hear people coming in and having a talk because it is quiet but once they close their door, that is it. There is a bar and restaurant on the complex which is open till 12.30 am in the winter, might be a bit later in the summer months, but I could"nt be definite.
As for the sunbeds, yes they do charge 2 euros for them and also if you want an umbrella, but as said earlier, it is a private complex and this money presumably helps with the community charges of the owners. You will find a few private complexes make this charge.
Hope this helps,
P.S. Lanzafan, sorry, sunbed info for you as well.