They are just off the main road called the Strip. I must admit have always fancied staying there myself they are in an ideal location and the complex looks nice.
Thanks for your information. Do you know if it is noisy around this area because it says it is off a busy main road? Also, do you recommend any places to go in particular? Thanks again
There not actually on the strip they are off a road that leads to the strip, they are set well back from the main road. Having never stayed there cant say for certain about noise. Are you looking for places to visit or restaurants etc
Restaurants and/or places to visit would be of a great help. Thankyou
2 water parks, Zoomarine (where u can swim with dolphins) all the other towns are accessible along the coast it really depends on what your preference is to a day out.
thanks for all your help - i don't suppose you know how much it is to swim with the dolphins?
Both my daughters swam last year, it worked out about £90.00 each i think. We booked it before we went via e.mail with zoomarine. You get about 1.1/2 hours in the pool and then spend the whole day inthe park. It was a lovely day out.
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