Not wanting to sound negative, but really hope it goes ahead for you. They do have a tendancy to be called off last minute as we found out last August. We didnt know there was a launch when we were there and found out at the airport just after landing that there would be a launch at 1:30am on 25th August which was the missus birthday (just). So I booked the trip, and it was not a good experience to be honest. Weather that afternoon/evening was not good and I had a feeling that it would be scrapped, but we were still loaded onto the coach and taken to the VIP area (bank of the Banana River) - not very VIP but is about as close as you are allowed to get. Were there on the bank for well over 3 hours, quite bored and fearing that the launch would be scrapped - which it was, 5 minutes before launch. Horrible trip back to where we were picked up (first to be picked up, last to be dropped off after a couple of detours) and finally got back to our Villa at about 4:30am. The launch was re-scheduled for the next night, but again was scrapped this time due to a technical fault. The launch finally went ahead a few days later, and to make things worse I fell asleep a few minutes before launch watching it on telly and woke up a few minutes after lol
Tip for you - take some snacks and stuff for when you are by the Banana River as they get you there hours before launch, and although there are chairs there for you might be an idea to take a picnic blanket too. A tripod if you have one is a good idea if you want to take photos as its hard to take decent pictures due to how far away you are (in the dark anyway)