Has anyone had any problems getting a visa via e-mail from the Turkey gov. site?
They say I should receive e-mail from them within 1 hour, but that was 6 hours ago.
would I be better waiting untill I get to Bodrum airport?
Thanks in advance, Marn.
silly question, but have you checked your junk box?
not quite clear how far you have progressed with the application, have you paid?
if so, waiting till Bodrum is pointless as you will have to pay again
Got as far as them saying - wait for e-mail, it will take 1 hour, then acknowledge e-mail - I presume the next step was going to be paying, But never got an e-mail from them.
Going to try again tomorrow, they may have been busy. If not I will just have to pay at Bodrum airport.
It's a few years since I was last in TTurkey. .Didn't get out much when Mike was diagnosed, so now it's only me..... One last chance to see Bitez again. I'm not going to miss it.
Luv Marn.
Just got mine today no problem.What may be confusing you is that you have to respond to the email they send you within the hour or they make you write it out again.
beermat.............that is the e-mail I was waiting for - it never came.
No problems for me either. Are you sure you used the correct email address? Have you checked your spam folder?
I would reapply, as long as you haven't paid there is no harm I can see in having another application.
Where are you planning to stay?
We were there last year, just for a day or so and it hasn't changed a great deal but did seem busier than I remember.
Travelling alone, so I am staying at the one hotel which I love and feel at home in. The Manuela.
Bitez is just a nice size resort for me. I love the walk along the front, just stopping off for a coffee or beer when you feel like it. Everyone is so friendly, and you get to know them all.
Nice to hear from you, and that you are well.
Luv Marn.

mine came instantly, are you sure you used the official gov one and not one of those agency ones?
think she has had it by now!! 2014!
oopps, sorry, i read the thread without looking at the date. lol
easily done. done it myslef loads of times

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