EX-Pats and Owners Abroad

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Hi republic of cyprus via port glasgow. Your fingers must be very tired by now of keep copying and pasting this message on all the forums.
deb18, im just letting people know the risks involved in buying property built on disputed land in the occupied north of cyprus, why dont you like that ? :cry:
As far as I'm aware there is one case where this has happened and the outcome will be decided in July. Opinion is that the outcome will be in favour of the current owner not the disputed owner. If so prices in TRNC will rocket so some are taking the chance before, in fact over 2000 people have bought there before ROC came up with this idea.

TRNC does exist and has its own government and laws etc. Deeds issued are legal in TRNC (not taking into account the cons that occur in any country so lawyers are required). Decisions made in ROC courts are not recognised in TRNC, that is why they are threatening the take cases to EU or UK to frighten people. Taking all these cases to EU or UK would not be possible or welcomed because of the US/Turkey situation, the larnaca airport situation and the numbers situation. If you do not live in UK or EU no worries, if you do buy through an offshore company. That's what the big players have done. Also it is fairly certain that TRNC/Turkey will pay any compensation if required, same as ROC will have to do, when a settlement is reached over Cyprus.

If your parents have genuinely been harassed there is an organisation set up in TRNC who will help them. They have employed Cherie Blair's firm to deal with the case mentioned above.
TRNC does exist and has its own government and laws etc.

The only trouble is that Turkey is the only country that recognises it as a sovereign state. Nowhere else does, regarding it as a piece of Cyprus occupied by Turkey and this does present difficulties. No matter what you think about the politics of the situation there, there are complications and questions about legal title of landownership in the north and as has been reiterated elsewhere, anybody planning to buy property in the TRNC needs to make careful checks with regard to land title and deeds and in particular with regard to who held title prior to 1974.

It seems entirely reasonable and acceptable to me for someone to post such a warning on this thread. It's the very fact that as yet the one test case has not been resolved with the decision still pending, that makes it impossible to catagorically state that people caught up in this have nothing to fear.

Decisions made in ROC courts are not recognised in TRNC, that is why they are threatening the take cases to EU or UK to frighten people.

But neither are the TRNC courts and their judgements recognised in the rest of Cyprus or the EU. The current standoff cannot be allowed to continue indefinitely, especially if Turkey wants to join the EU, but for every optimistic opinion there is a pessimistic one. Everybody has to reach their own decision on this matter but there are grounds for caution if only because nobody knows what the outcome will be to this legal wrangle.

deb18, i am just WARNING people that if they buy homes in the occupied north of cyprus, then dont be surprized when the legal greek cypriot owners of the land come knocking on your door asking for compensation or rent for the use of there land. :cry:

Yes TRNC is only recognised by Turkey and a few other countries. What is interesting is the amount of money the EU is pumping in.

Anyone wishing to buy should use lawyers not connected to developer or estate agent and have the different type of deeds explained. It is possible to find pre-74 or turkish deeds. Most have bought under exchange deeds, so presume people prepared to take the chance. I don't think anyone looking to buy in North Cyprus would not be aware of the situation. thanks to the internet!

TRNC does have a government, courts, laws etc so if you live there you have to abide by those laws, same if you buy.

This particular warning has been posted on threads on another forum to do with holidays in TRNC. In case you did not know the ROC is trying to deter people from visiting which as far as I'm aware is not illegal, so thought it interesting that the same message turned up here the next day.

As stated the standoff will be sorted, by the same players who sorted it before no doubt.
Because the OCCUPIED NORTH OF CYPRUS is not reconised by any other country except there paymaster turkey , there is NO recourse or legal help & protection you can have if you buy property that is built on greek cypriot owned land. The estate agents who are selling these properties are mis-leading people about the legal & financial problems that will occur if the legal greek cypriot owner decides to take legal action in the republic of cyprus or european courts. :cry:
.... and if you feel happy about buying a property where thirty years ago the owners were forceably made to flee against their will....
My, the GC propaganda machine is effective, isn't it? :wink:
Sure is, they've had 30 years of practice!
deb18, it must be WRONG to buy property that is built on someone elses land , how would you feel if someone kicked you out of your nice home and then sold it to someone ?
There is several court cases going on at the moment, why risk your life savings by buying property that could be built on disputed land . :cry:
ok, probably not going to be a popluar point of view, but here goes...

Buying property always carries risks. As an investor, you have to make sure you take some sort of responsibility for yourself and for your money. You have to do research into the area and not take for granted what a salesman tells you. Now it's very common knowledge that Cyprus, especially the North of Cyprus is and has been under dispute between the Turks and the Greek Cypriots for years. You only have to go to Cyprus to see how it's still not been forgotten, Nicosia is split in half for goodness sake! Both sides have valid reasons as to why they do not get on, and in all honesty I think both have been as bad as each other in the past. We have all heard tales from a side claiming they are the victims and the other were the invaders - both sides have stories to tell. But anyway, for the forseeable future, this will probably not change.
So...why would anyone buy property in the area which is under dispute?

As I said before, property carries risks. It's a gamble. Frankly, I think it's very stupid to put your money into an area where you know conflict is possible and where land is under dispute. It's a gigantic risk to take and in my opinion, a stupid one! Sorry to say this, but a fool and his money are soon parted....
In such cases I always use the "At Home " test.
When purchasing anywhere do what you would do at home.
For instance an independent solicitor, a full survey etc etc.
So if the same scenario happened in the UK ie: Title was in dispute, would you buy?
Not in a million years.
Theres something about the sunshine and sea that makes us Brits leave our brains at home. Mad dogs and Englishmen and all that. :)
Eurodude qoute

deb18, it must be WRONG to buy property that is built on someone elses land , how would you feel if someone kicked you out of your nice home and then sold it to someone ?


Both Larnaca airport AND Paphos airport is built on Turkish Cypriot land,both owners have been told they can go and whistle and have no chance of reclaiming their land,unless a solution to the cyprus problem is found,which we all know isnt going to happen as long as the current GC government is in place.
Check your history and find out what really happened
Goose and Ganders????????
gooligan, people are being misled when buying property in the OCCUPIED north of cyprus, why risk losing your money on buying a home that is built on someone elses land , 88% of the land in the north is greek cypriot owned says the cyprus government, look on there website for information , all cypriots greek & turkish should be allowed to return to there homes & land .
In any settlement those who have bought homes in the north that are built on greek owned land will lose them or have to pay the rightful owners of the land compensation or rent, why have all that to worry about everyday :cry:
Several people have been arrested by the cyprus police at the crossing points coming from the occupied north of cyprus because they had papers & brochures relating to the buying & selling of land & property in the occupied north, its illegal to have these items because they could be related to the sale of STOLEN GREEK CYPRIOT OWNED LAND & PROPERTY which is illegal.
Yes I know, disgusting isn't it. The man arrested is a Turkish Cypriot architect and is not well, his family are very worried. Both sides are not happy about it, one more push towards permanent separation from the ROC government! Might be due to the fact that certain officials have dealings with TC land in the south which they are trying to keep quiet!
The pointlessness of these 'arrests' will be made clear later this month when the Orams win their 'case'. The GC's are scared that their propaganda campaign is about to crumble and are trying more and more desperate measures. The courts in the south have no jurisdiction in the North and this latest attempt to use the EU legislation to force their will via the backdoor is doomed to fail.
As I have indicated elswhere on these forums, the issue is not as clear cut as you would like it to be Cyberhiker. The courts in Cyprus have no means of enforcing their judgements in the north but they do have jurisdiction because every other country in the world apart from Turkey does not recognise the TRNC as a sovereign state - as far as the rest of the world is concerned northern Cyprus is part of the sovereign territory of Cyprus which has been illegally occupied by Turkey. TRNC courts have no jurisdiction in relation to the south either and have no legel standing anywhere else other than within the north. The state apparatus of an illegal state cannot be legal. And regardless of what our own respective views on that issue are the fact remains that the rest of the world and its legal systems do not regard the TRNC as being a legal entity.

If the Oram's title was as clear cut as you say it would never have got to court for a full hearing but it has clearly been ruled that the claimant does have a good enough case that needs to be fully tested in court and that hasn't happened yet. We can all comment on what decision we would like them to reach and our own personal views on the legality or otherwise of the actions of the courts in the north but the issue is not as clear cut as you keep claiming. Should the court rule against the Orams it will be interesting to see whether the courts in the TRNC revise their position or not.

Given the success that displaced Jewish and aristicratic former owners of property in Poland and what was the GDR (East Germany) have had in recovering houses and land from people who had 'owned' them for far longer than Turkish Cypriots in the North of Cyprus, the precedents don't actually look that good for the Orams. Until the current case has been ruled on and all avenues of appeal by both sides have been exhausted 'c'aveat emptor should for the present remain to the forefront of the mind of anyone thinking of buying in the North.

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