Hi everyone
Can anybody offer some advice???
We're due to go on holiday next month all booked and paid for online with credit card in march through
fresh holidays(aldi travel(onholidaygroup))
you can already see the problem i'm sure :s
the problems strated when they changed our flight times twice.....the times have been altered by 12 and a half hours both inbound and outbound....our child is still in school which prevents us from going at the new times.
bearing in mind had we booked these stupid middle of the night times we would have saved over £300 on the cost of the holiday
6 emails each, to several different addresses, for all 3 companies AND a letter sent recorded delivery!!!! absolutely no response from any of the companies?????
We also contacted the hotel as we had some special medical requirements we needed to discuss.........to our horror the hotel have no such booking GREAT we tried contacting the company again NOTHING
All we want to do is have the family holiday we've been looking forward to all year.
Where do we go from here???
Hope someone can help
I have just had to do a quick search as I have to be honest and say that I have never heard of the company before at all with regards to complaints about them or anything else for that matter. They appear to be an agent/company that you buy package elements from but the holiday is not actually with them.
I am a little confused, Are you now trying to cancel your holiday because of the flight times being changed and you not being to take the child because of school? Who were the flights with? As some low cost operators don't give refunds full stop.
Also you say that you contacted the hotel, was it your name or the company name that they had no knowledge of? I know with some companies the booking info is only held in their name until near to passenger arrival time and the booking would then be recognised as in your name. Even then with them looking like an agent the booking may not be in their name or yours but actually a third party, when I booked through OTB my accomodation booking was actually with a company called Jumbo who are based in Majorca.
Another stupid question but I noted a telephone number on their homepage, emails could have easily been missed so it's only really the one letter that's good for contacting them. What have they said about the situation on the phone?
Sorry for all the questions it's just that I think once further information is given more people on here will be able to advise you on what to do, as many have viewed and like me have probably not really understood the query.
The fact that the hotel doesn't have your name isn't always a problem, sometimes the room is booked in the operator's name and your details are given close to the date of travel.
The Aldi Travel website still has a page giving the phone number 0844 482 0088 for people who booked before they gave up.
Which company is shown on your credit card account?
(Stardust beat me to some of this!)
we don't actually want to cancel our holiday just change the flights back...or at least put our mind at rest that we actually have a hotel
i've read the T&C's for fresh which state the provider of the flight etc are the contract holders
anyway the flight was originally with saga airlines, then sky airlines, now teleticket but with sky airline carrier so i'm now going through teletickets T&C's
we're just worried we'll turn up and have no hotel to stay in
I'll keep you posted on the T&C's
we have rang them and they just say its all fine we raise our concerns and they say there's nothing they can do about the flights
i'm sooooo confused so god lnows how confusing it is reading this
sorry for the waffle...thanks for the help

Hotels don't usually receive rooming lists until 2/3 weeks before date of holiday.
a few people habe said that making me feel more at ease with the hotel side of it....although we do go in 18days
good news is they've acknowledged receiving our emails(verbally) waiting for them to contact us now
they said before midday tomorrow so fingers crossed
I left my details with the hotel, and on the 1st April I got an email from them confirming the booking for 8th April. Hope you get your flights sorted.
thanks for that! just waiting for fresh/aldi/o.h.g. to get back to me with an update, i will need a holiday at the end of this i am worn out!

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