
Yes it was back to normal when I left last week and was quite hot at night even in strappy vest top. I think I saw somehwhere yesterday that the temp at 10.30 last night was 27 degrees so no need to worry.
the weather's already for my arrival on tuesday morning then
karlnjess have a great time
I thought the rain season does not start for another month at least? Does it mean we are going to have rain all week?
I would appreciate some input from people who are there or who re familiar with March weather.
we always go in march and have never had a drop of rain!!!
Please ignore the weather forecasts - it is non stop sunshine here. It is rare to see even a cloud in March, and rain is virtually unknown. Mind you, it did rain in Feb, but only for a few miuntes one evening.
Thanks for your replies! I'm so looking forward to my trip!
No definitely no rain TKonholiday, I have just got out of the pool and its 9pm and boiling!!! yes as philingoa says we had abit of rain in Feb, we were down in Palolem in a coco hut and it was quite heavy lasted a few hours (it was also great, refreshing and a novelty!!!!) but the locals were absolutely blown away!!! this is not the time for rain!!
So am I right in thinking generally March is hot during the day but humid at night. We're planning to go in March next year with some "first timer" friends. We were planning on going this last season but finances prevented - boo! Previously we went in November when we were ok without air con.


Thank god for air conditioning
I've forgotten what the sun looks like
rupees up to 81 and a half ...and the weather this week is ....89..91..91..89 ..and one cloudy day ....monday (today )

Today Hot hot hot and sunny........... but i am inside still!!

Poor Chilly
I would of thought the tablets would of kicked by now

or maybe the G&Ts are not strong enough

I will keep my fingers crossed for you to get relief very soon.

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