Originally posted by alanwall
17th July - To the Coral Hilton, for a week for the first time.
Questions, questions
Answers, answers
Visas? - Info
Duty free at Taba? - Yes (inside the first 24 hrs when arriving)
Drinks allowed into Egypt? - Yes
Local drinks? - Wet and drinkable
Hot in July? - Yes, and evenings, and you need a hat (especially if bald)
Good food? - Depends where you go, but Hilton is fine.
Mosquitos? - Very few, if any. No problems.
Snorkelling gear? - You can hire (3hrs a week free at Hilton). Best to take your own for better fit. Info
Fridges in rooms? - Yes, but they also have air conditioning so you won't need to open the fridge door.
Towels provided? - Yes. Available by pool and on beach.
Swim with dolphins? Only if they are around at the time. Take a trip to Eilat. Info
HERE and
Underwater cameras? - Definitely.
Camel rides? - Most definitely.
Trips and cost? - Depends what you like doing. Go into Solimans at the hotel (in parade of shops).
Oversize shorts? - If you have an oversize butt, then it's best to. Better than none at all.
"Hello" and "thank you" in Arabic? - Marhaba (hello), shukran (thank you). See
HERE and
Internet access at hotel? - Yes.
House reef? - The best bit of reef there is about a 15min walk north and a 10min swim out.
Sharks? - I have never seen any myself, but that doesn't mean there aren't any. der de.......der de........der de de de de etc.
Dangerous fish? - Lion fish, stone fish. Do NOT touch these, especially the stone fish (difficult to spot).
Baksheesh? - Info
Tipping? - Some info
Good choice? - Yes, I'm sure you will become a repeat guest. Info
Also, if you need any info on money, then you will find some
PS the twins arrived safely. Will pm you shortly.